
Responses from mechans

Linn Axis w/basic arm/Denon DL 160 should I bite?
You would like a traveler but make sure you get a MC cart for detail and more forward presentation. Yes Get a Traveler, but the cart will reall have a major impact on the sonics. Don't forget the phono amp! 
Where to invest
No BS talk around the subject here. Invest your money in the amp you will likely hear a bigger difference than upgrading the speaskers (sorry Bobby) for that kind of money. While you are enjoying your new amp keep an eye out for upgraded Merlins. ... 
Hi, I'm new here, and I'm an addict...
It sounds like your all set. I don't know the technical issues of video coding or how a machine gets locked into one region or another, presumably with a chip that the machine will not function without that might restrict what can be played on it.... 
What is the benefit of a second amplifier .
My advice is that if you are serious about a second amp for analog then you might want to consider a separate system altogether. It is a major step and not the most economical but if you want truly great 2 channel you need to think in those terms.... 
How is headphone amp in Ah Njoe Tjoeb cd 4000?
My advice is that if headphones are your primary transducers that you should save up some money and buy a good headphone amp. I bought a couple and sold one the one I kept became the subject of scandle but man it sounds good and I am keeping it. I... 
Does vinyl have a sound?
All media IMHO have some signature or byproduct sonics and vinyl is no exception. Thus 1 vote in agreement with you 
Kef Blade or Wilson Audio Alexia?
The Blade is a tall and imposing structure that resembles sculpture. It has a small footprint but nonetheless looks big. The sound wasn't all that great, I am sorry to say, as a friend of mine is a dealer. but he says they are selling. The Wilson ... 
totem rainmakers
Being a musician actual;ly lets you buy less costly rigs because the music is already in yoiur brain and the external cues seem to set off what it should sound like in most cases. That said, you should consider a separate perhaps integrated amp. G... 
how much of a difference should equipment make?
I would say that your experience is fairly atypical but Brf's explanation makes sense and perhaps you have yet to develop critical listening skills especially when it comes to certain sounds that are important to you.2- Not in my experience.3-Spea... 
Magico V3 with tubed amplification, will it work ?
I personally find your friend's advice difficult to believe. The Clayton is 100watts Class A and will give you as much current as some others mentioned when impedance changes damand it. I don't own the V3s so I will let others chime in about the s... 
Benchmar DAC-1 as pre vs Bottlehead Foreplay II
It will likely be a step down in purity, clarity and transparency despite the tubes in the Foreplay. The upside of a Foreplay will be that the tubes will bring out the 3d aspect of your system and with good tweaking can sound pretty darn clean and... 
Power chord for Jadis D50Signature
I own a Jadis DA-60 and have always used high quality PCs but not A vs B tested chords. I use good copper and thats worked really well.. I have experimente4d with silver over copper designs which work well too. The point is that the quality of the... 
$165k - $200k speaker performance for $40k ?
The cost levels you guys are talking about are really super specialty products that don't conform to regular rules regarding quality. i.e. the quality level is already so high you are really just distinguishing between them based on personal prefe... 
New analog museum
Should be easy enonough, a few odd bits here and there, no problem? I am just guesing here of course. 
Accuphase P-300V
No! there is no hope short of a transplant!!