
Responses from mechans

Jeff Rowland Sellers
Yah I suppose its Agon ettiquette. I think when you post an obvious ad or even in some instances a wanted to buy, both of which have better places to be posted. It is sorta unpleasant to read an overt ad when every one else plays by the rules and ... 
tube amp goes with coincident total victory ii ??
So what did you get. I don't think you are checking this thread. Get the Atmassphere M60. It will be really fast transparent and easy to sell. See if you can get one used.The Frankenstein would be great also, but different. 
Wood glue method of record cleaning
Johnnyb53,Doesn't that tape add considerable mass to your tonearm? I am no analog person so I don't know if that is a desired outcome in addition to dampening it. It is foamed so I guess it is not all that dense and heavy. I was under the impressi... 
Krell or Bryston 4SST2
Wolf you got me there it is a bed of oysters indeed. There seems to be quite a lot of them the way people slurp them down, but they aren't cheap anymore and they have been gourmet-etized, with there bed and water of origin listed on the menu. I we... 
Accuphase E-560 Voltage Conversion 100v to 230v
I don't mean to thread jack your thread, but I never understood the use of the phrase "step down transformer" when the voltage needs to be stepped up.If it is any consolation to you I have heard of sucessful voltage conversions in both directions ... 
Wood glue method of record cleaning
What's all this about teflon tape and what part of his Bose 901s does he stick it to? I can imagine that doing virtually anything to a Bose 901 would cause improvement so it aint that big of a stretch.where do you find teflon tape and beside insul... 
How to amplify 4 Main/Front Speakers
There are a couple of ways to do this. The two that I know of are called parallel and series connections.The easiest is the parallel where you simply attach both pairs to the main speaker posts, that is the main and the smaller ones to the same po... 
Wood glue method of record cleaning
Hafta agree, seems inefficient and potentially dangerous to your cart. There are other ways and soaps (not "audiophile washing solution soaps") that are certainly cheaper than a goodly dose of wood glue. 
Concerned about my MIDAS shell 103R transplant
Try not projecting bad thoughts about your cartridge's future. Worrying is generally thought to be unhealthy and does you no good. Try as much as you can to live in the moment and perhaps find some relaxation exrcersizes to calm yourself. Don't tu... 
Next step?
Let me apologize to you from our analog gurus' lack of contributions in answer to your question. I asked this same question in theory and got many more answers. I asked can you get great sound from a mediocre table with a really good crtridge? The... 
LS50s and room size
It seems like you will just have to make them work out for you, one way or another. If you find you really can't use them in the space you have, with the gear you have, then you can sell them. That is the chance you take, there will be a new vs us... 
Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC
The DAC has a lot of potentential, in that regard. There are many different designs around. The old thinking that a tubed component in the chain can take the edge off is still widely held and their are many tubed DACs to choose from. I think you m... 
Harbeth 30.1, odd USA pricing?
In some instances certain items are priced higher than others are to steer you away from it. It may be in short supply, changing models at that price point, and simply wanting to introduce the new version, whatever it might be called at this price... 
What do you expect a reviewers system to be
The best measure outside of hearing a component in your own system is to read a review from severaal sources who invariably have different reference sysems. My point is that if you do read several sources and they concur about certain elements fou... 
Speaker grills on or off?
In the living room I left them on in deference to my now ex wife, but in the man cave basement listening room, they were off.