
Responses from maxboy00

2 way, which are the best designs?
For something different,  Selah Audio Tempesta, a three way monitor speaker . This speaker is very well designed, wonderful sounding and will work with any number of amps. The Tempesta is now a MK2 version. ...I had the original MK1 and have not h... 
Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?
There is no wrong way to go, it simply a matter of personal taste. It's also a choice of greater flexibility with seperates or a single box solution.  I have had both setups over the years, but now have a IA with no plans of going back to separate... 
Cambridge Audio CXC Series 2
I have the original CXC,  altho it  doesn't get much use, when I do listen to CD'S it sounds just fine.  I thing for the price, it's a decent piece of gear.  
Tube Integrateds with Bass Control
I have a Viva Solistino...18W SET IA, this amp has great grip on the low end, very smooth through the midrange as well.  
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
The cable elevators are nice improvements in SQ.  
original cambridge cxc cd transport
@mesch , My DAC is a Lampizator Atlantic.....just upgraded to a TRP.  
original cambridge cxc cd transport
I too have the original CXC, I don't listen to it very much, but been wanting to get the Marantz 8006 CDP. So I put a CD into the CXC, and was very surprised at how well it sounded, so much so that I can't justify getting the Marantz.   
Lampizator Amber - moving up the range?
I have a Lampizator Atlantic SE, it is a very nice addition to my system.  I have no plans to upgrade, I see no point in doing so... plus the high vertical cost to upgrade is a deterrent. As already mentioned,  don't buy into the hype and enjoy wh... 
Is integrated the future for 2 channel audiophiles?
I moved away from seperates, to an intergrated amp for my system. At this point I don't think I've lost anything as far as sound quality, and gained the convenience of a single box. What prompted this change are my speakers, being very efficient..... 
I am sure this has been discussed but want a fresh take. Mapleshade / Timbernation racks?
Timbetnation racks are very well made and can be customized to your needs. Well worth looking into. 
Daedolous Muse V2
I too have a pair of Daedalus  "Argos V2 ", very fine well built and very easy to drive with almost any amp.  As stated above, Audio Circle is the best resource on Lou ' s speakers. Good luck in your search! 
Need recommendations for an alternative to Ayon Crossfire integrated
You may want to consider the Viva Solistino amp, it is a 18W SET, obviously it's less power then the Ayon, but  it is a sweet sounding amp.  
Highest BUILD quality tube amps?
Viva amps are very well made, reliable and great sounding.  
Timbernation Rack - Very Pleased
Another pleased Timbernation rack owner.   
Cardas Cables
I just purchased a set of Cardas Clear Cygnus cables, I have had them less than a week, but so far so good.