Responses from maxboy00
SVS vs REL and experiences with both: your comments and preferences... @egrady The placement of my subs follows the guidelines recommended by REL. There is no room to place the subs inside of the speakers, with others subs I have tried front firing placement and placing the subs opposite to one another..... I thin... | |
For those that have separate Streamers & DACS I prefer a separate server and DAC, compared to a combo server. I am using an Aurender N-100 and a Lampizator Atlantic DAC and am pleased with the overall sound. I will say the HiFi Rose looks very interesting and my be something to look at down ... | |
SVS vs REL and experiences with both: your comments and preferences... @ryder, Thanks for the kind comment. I looked long and hard at SVS SB-3000 subs, I read many reviews and peoples comments about them and determined that SVS was a better fit for H.T. This is strictly my view. The most common complaints about ... | |
After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same? I moved away from separates several years ago and have no regrets. Since my system is all tube based, I have been considering adding an A/B IA to my system and Luxman would be a fine addition. | |
How do you use Tidal with you local library? I keep my CD library separate from what ever I stream from Tidal, using an Arender server, it's easy to switch between the two. | |
GIK Vicoustic and others Timely thread, I have some basic room treatments, two corner bass traps and four 244's base traps all GIK. I went thru the room analysis with GIK, placed an order for two more corner start. Based upon GIK recommendations, I put two ... | |
CD transports I use a Cambridge CXC transport with my DAC, and it sounds just fine. As already mentioned, your existing Luxman CD player is a fine piece, so it might be better to do nothing. | |
Speaker shootout question -- do you position the same or differently, depending? I set my speakers equal distance from the rear and side walks, then fine tune adjustment with a set-up CD. | |
Best streamers WITHOUT a DAC Aurender N-100C has a S/PIDF connection, I use the USB version and enjoy it. Good luck with search. | |
Transmission line speakers! A number of years ago I had a pair of PMC's FB1I, used in a small bedroom driven by a Bryston B-100. I remember them as being well built and very good sounding speaker. | |
REL vs JL AUDIO I had a pair of JL Audio E-112s, very fine subs but I couldn't take advantage of the built-in XO...I replaced them with a pair of REL S/510's...and was able to get much better integration with my mains using the high level inputs. | |
What Integrated Amp do You use Viva Solistino 18 W class A SET amp, drives my Daedalus speakers really well. | |
Why are Ayon tube amps not mentioned very often? I have a Viva Solistino integrated Amp, but the Ayon Crossfire was a serious contender. That was before the Ayon dealer mentioned the cost to replace some of the tube's. | |
Does a Tube Dac make sense? My integrated amp and DAC are both tubed based, no issues and both sound great. | |
Enjoying New CD Transport Purchase Check out Joan Osborne's "What you are" , off of Pretty Little Strangers, beside being a great track, it is also a great test track. |