
Responses from maxboy00

Length of SPDIF cable
I have a 1M SPDIF,  and it works just fine, I haven't heard of the 1.5M being the ideal length. But YMMV.  
SET Lovers, what's the one solid state amp you love(d)?
I had a Modwright KWI-200 and a Pass Labs INT-30, both now discontinued, but fine sounding amps. Good luck in your search.   
Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects
I have both Cardas Cygnus  I.Cs and speakers cables, for the last 4-5 years,  I added a Clear SPDIF cable earlier this year.  I have not tried any of Cardas P.C.s, I have no issues  with any of these cables and happy with the sound. The only other... 
user poll on seperates vs integrated
Although I have had separate over the years, with a tube P.A.,I find that my I.A. is a good match with my speakers. I don't believe anything is missing.  Separates have greater flexibility if swapping P.A's is desired,  but there are many well de... 
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Current cable is Cardas Cygnus.  Second best,  signal cable.  
Lampizator Questions
@designsfx , Thanks.    So far, no issues driving my Viva  IA, from the Lampizator.  Typically,  when I switch  between the Amp and the DAC,  I let it run that way for a few months.  Also recommend by Lampizator dealer is to turn the DAC volume ... 
Lampizator Questions
I have a Lampizator  Atlantic DAC, it was the basic unit when purchased.  Over the last several years I updated the DAC twice,  the DAC sounds excellent  in my tube based rig.  Another place to check feedback is Audio Circle....there is a dedicat... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
I have been on the power cord fence for a long time,  about a decade ago I purchased Pangea cords to replace the stock cords. I can't say it made any difference,  and my system is fairly resolving. All of the cords are plugged into my Furman power... 
Digital Cable Recommendations
Also using Cardas Clear SPDIF, with good results.   
Aurender N-200 Compatiblity with DACS. Is this a thing?
I purchased a N-200 a couple of weeks ago, replacing my N-100, have it connected via SPDIF cable to my Lampizator Atlantic DAC. No connection issues with either server.  
Birthday DAC
+1 on the Lampizator excellent DAC with lush detailed sound.   
Streamer upgrade?
Same boat here, my Aurender N-100H is running just fine and has been trouble free since I have had it. Now that it's been discontinued not sure when to upgrade to the N-200. Aside from the high cost, the only thing that I am interested in is the S... 
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps
I didn't have any interest in tube based amps, until I purchased an efficient pair of speakers. After researching various amps, I went with an 845 18W SET 'A' IA, and have throughly enjoyed listening to the music it conveys. I also replaced my SS ... 
Ohio - Over the Rhine
Haunting track....I am from NE Ohio, but there is a town in Cincinnati  named Over the Rhine.   
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
I have a pair of S/510s, been using the stock power cords for a while.  I replaced them with an older set of Pangea cords, that I wasn't using, so far I haven't noticed any difference. I have no desire to try different cords, I am fine with the su...