Responses from maxboy00
Length of SPDIF cable I have a 1M SPDIF, and it works just fine, I haven't heard of the 1.5M being the ideal length. But YMMV. | |
SET Lovers, what's the one solid state amp you love(d)? I had a Modwright KWI-200 and a Pass Labs INT-30, both now discontinued, but fine sounding amps. Good luck in your search. | |
Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects I have both Cardas Cygnus I.Cs and speakers cables, for the last 4-5 years, I added a Clear SPDIF cable earlier this year. I have not tried any of Cardas P.C.s, I have no issues with any of these cables and happy with the sound. The only other... | |
user poll on seperates vs integrated Although I have had separate over the years, with a tube P.A.,I find that my I.A. is a good match with my speakers. I don't believe anything is missing. Separates have greater flexibility if swapping P.A's is desired, but there are many well de... | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had Current cable is Cardas Cygnus. Second best, signal cable. | |
Lampizator Questions @designsfx , Thanks. So far, no issues driving my Viva IA, from the Lampizator. Typically, when I switch between the Amp and the DAC, I let it run that way for a few months. Also recommend by Lampizator dealer is to turn the DAC volume ... | |
Lampizator Questions I have a Lampizator Atlantic DAC, it was the basic unit when purchased. Over the last several years I updated the DAC twice, the DAC sounds excellent in my tube based rig. Another place to check feedback is Audio Circle....there is a dedicat... | |
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time? I have been on the power cord fence for a long time, about a decade ago I purchased Pangea cords to replace the stock cords. I can't say it made any difference, and my system is fairly resolving. All of the cords are plugged into my Furman power... | |
Digital Cable Recommendations Also using Cardas Clear SPDIF, with good results. | |
Aurender N-200 Compatiblity with DACS. Is this a thing? I purchased a N-200 a couple of weeks ago, replacing my N-100, have it connected via SPDIF cable to my Lampizator Atlantic DAC. No connection issues with either server. | |
Birthday DAC +1 on the Lampizator excellent DAC with lush detailed sound. | |
Streamer upgrade? Same boat here, my Aurender N-100H is running just fine and has been trouble free since I have had it. Now that it's been discontinued not sure when to upgrade to the N-200. Aside from the high cost, the only thing that I am interested in is the S... | |
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps I didn't have any interest in tube based amps, until I purchased an efficient pair of speakers. After researching various amps, I went with an 845 18W SET 'A' IA, and have throughly enjoyed listening to the music it conveys. I also replaced my SS ... | |
Ohio - Over the Rhine Haunting track....I am from NE Ohio, but there is a town in Cincinnati named Over the Rhine. | |
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs? I have a pair of S/510s, been using the stock power cords for a while. I replaced them with an older set of Pangea cords, that I wasn't using, so far I haven't noticed any difference. I have no desire to try different cords, I am fine with the su... |