

Responses from marco1

B&K amp differences
The last 2 B&K amps I purchased used here on A'gon went up in smoke.That combined with the PrePro, I also purchased used here that never fully worked soured my interest in B&K.  It's a shame, back in the day, they made a pretty good piece ... 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
hb2012, I think summary judgement on your part is without merit and unless you know something the rest of us don't, uncalled for at this time.  Why don't you just wait to see the outcome.  CJ is on notice as of Wednesday by hifiman5.  They've had ... 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
pereza, my response above was somewhat insensitive given what you are going through.  Best of luck getting things worked out.  
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
Ditto for Pass.  Used CJ for more than 20 years.  A total of 6 different pieces.  Now using Pass all the way. 
Experience with Tannoy Westminster Royal Gold Reference
It's going to be pretty tough and costly to beat the electronics that you are using.  AN and Kondo are both good choices.  Depending on where you are located, you may want to talk to Vu at Deja Vu Audio in Virginia.  He has some very interesting v... 
Tube phono preamp for CJ LS2
Just sent you a PM about the Premier 15. 
Pass INT-30A with Acoustic Zen Adagio
Used tubes off and on for 50 years.  Switched a few times to SS and then back to tubes. Most recently switched to the 30a and couldn't be happier.  Using mine with Merlin's and find the sound devine.   
Cartridge Advice
If it were me I'd try the Dynavector.  Your phono should support it.  The caveat being that it may be too bright with your Krell electronics.  I recently listened to the Virtuso with your table/arm and I think it will be a little "flat" in compari... 
Russian Tubes or Old "American" Tubes (built where ever)?
Should have said that the 7dj8 can sound just as good their 6 volt counterpart and they can be had for 1/2 the cost.  They worked particuarily well in my P16 and will work in your 17 as well.  Never had a russian tube in my unit that even came clo... 
Russian Tubes or Old "American" Tubes (built where ever)?
Based upon my personal experience with my Premier 16, you should either consider the Telefunken 7DJ8 (they are the 7 volt version of the 6DJ8), or other NOS 7DJ8's.  Check Upscale Audio.  None of the Russian tubes IMO even come close. 
Zerostat near cartridge?
On sale everywhere but still 3x the sale price of the gun.  Is it that much better? 
Totem Model 1 Signatures best speaker cables
Ran Analysis Plus with my Model Ones for years.  Ether Oval 9 or Solo Crystal match very nicely.  For tubes i would try Mullard reissues.  
Back in the 80's and 90's Audio Research and Conrad Johnson
"CJ recently moved to a different space in Fairfax VA, anyone know why ?"Smaller space.  Appears to be a budget cut. 
Help with "popping" Quad 2805
Kent is a good guy. He fixed my 63's years ago.  But that's not the point. It appears you were sold defective speakers. Seller should pay 100% or you should return them for a full refund. There are plenty of good used quads on the market these day... 
Interchange with a 5751 and a 6FQ7.
Sorry meant to Mazda as drivers