

Responses from marco1

Pass INT-30 or INT-60
I've owned both and prefer the 60, which I still own.  They are both great amps though.  I don't believe the 30 will be enough power for your Harbeth's unless they are used for low-level listening only.  They fell a little short on my Merlin's tha... 
Bluesound Node 2
I also use a Node 2 as an only source in a bedroom system to stream Tidal (MQA whenever available) directly to my amp from my router.  Same or similar setup as the OP appears to use.  I too am extremely impressed.  SQ is better than streaming thro... 
email a'gon
Thanks, but can't use "contact us" as they tell me my email address is invalid even though i'm using the same email the system uses on my personal information page.  Hoping someone from A'gon will respond.  Ultimately i'm trying to recover or chan... 
email a'gon
How do I recover my current password? 
Best KEF LS50 Wireless connection to Node2?
  I just bought a Node 2 and haven't listened to a record since.  I'm sure my records won't gather dust for long but it sure is nice to have both. 
Past and Present Totem Arro Owners: Favorite Integrated?
Used Plinius with Model One and Mani.  But listened using Arro's numerous times.  I think you'll be very happy.  As a matter of fact I'm thinking about the combo right now for a bedroom system. 
Past and Present Totem Arro Owners: Favorite Integrated?
Plinius is a very nice match for the Totems.  Not sure if you can find the 9200 for under $2k but the 8200 runs a close second.  Both have phono and occasionally come up on A'gon. 
Question for tube aficionados
I've had three different CJ tube preamps over the years.  I found that European as well as some Japanese NOS tubes made a significant difference/improvement.  Be careful to get low noise tubes, particularly in the phono section. 
Da Benz?
I had the same amp and pre with the Premier 15 phono.  The Premier 15 had similar gain as the EF1 which was not enough for a LOMC cart.  You'd probably do best with the medium output Benz. 
Fix it or not, my CJ Premier 11a Amp?
Getting it done inexpensively or quickly at CJ, based on my past experiences, is wishful thinking.  Whether its worth fixing imo would depend upon the cost to fix.  Depending on where you're located shipping back to CJ and the bench charge alo... 
Demo Windfeld Ortofon Cart at Musicdirect
I had my Cadenza Bronze refurbished at Ortofon.  It was perfect in every respect.  If it were me I'd go the refurbished route.  As Nandric says a demo is used.  Carts are TOO easy to damage despite what someone may advertise.  Refurbished other th... 
Switching to solid state amp?
You can say I went back to Pass after owning Threshold more than 40 years ago.  In between I've owned many different SS and Tube amps.  The switch back to Pass was originally intended to downsize somewhat from tube separates.  I had the Int 30 fir... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
Caveat 20W will not do.  
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
Look at the Dynaudio C2's or C4's.  They will give you everything your Merlins give you plus what you are looking for that the Merlins do not.  Plus, at least IMO they are gorgeous.  I almost went that route myself (I have the Black Magic edition)... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Would you buy from someone on Audiogon with 50+ negative feedbacks?  Isn't that what we're talking about here?