

Responses from marco1

Interchange with a 5751 and a 6FQ7.
Used mullard as drivers and ge jan 5751 in my 12's.  Tried many. This was one of the best combos. 
Which is better,AV pre/pro o direct analog out?
I was on the phone with Oppo tech service today about another issue and asked about this.  Oppo tech recommended going through a prepro when using analog outs from the 105.  He said you loose dynamics bypassing the prepro as well as the the Oppo (... 
I own the TSM mxm (version before the Black Magic and nicer cabinets than the mmm ) and enjoy the same type of music you listen to on them very much. 
Tube Amp Maintenance Tip...
Give you one better than that. I've always had a hum coming through the Premier 15 (phono) into my Premier 16 and Premier 12's. Suffice it to say I tried everything to get rid of it. BTW, I have 4 dedicated circuits. Recently I replace the floor i... 
Conrad Johnson LP125sa and ET5
You may already know this but these units are for sale right now used on A'gon for a little over $10k. Considering CJ gear is good for at least 10 -20 years you may want to consider something with a few more miles. No relation to either seller. Ju... 
Linda Ronstadt/Nelson Riddle
Picked up the set for 5 bucks at a flee market about a year ago. Records/box are mint. What a find!! What a buy!! What a recording(s)!!! 
6922 tube selection
I'd take it another notch up to the Telefunken 7jd8, at least in your preamp. They're still available from Upscale the last I looked. I use them in my Premier 16 and they are a significant improvement over the EH. 
MC suggestions for conrad-johnson Premier 15
I believe you will need some additional gain for any LOMC. I'd check Bob's Devices. Lots of good reviews. I understand that his 1131 is a good match for the Bronze and 15. It might also give you a little more versatility than the Mod if you decide... 
MC suggestions for conrad-johnson Premier 15
Interesting that you bring this up. I own the Pr. 15 and also use a MM cartridge. The gain in the 15 is too much for a MM. I've also explored the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze but fyi have been told that a step-up would be needed with the 15. You might w... 
Totem Model 1
If you can buy Model 1's for $600 I'd snap'em up in a heart beat. I sold my original Model 1's awhile ago for +/- $1,000 (can't remember exactly) and felt like I was giving them away. 
Quad ESL-63 and low-powered amps; Sun Audio, Atma
I don't think you can go wrong with CJ and Quads. It's more a question of whether you like the older CJ sound that you're getting with the MV-60 or the newer, more neutral and detailed CJ sound. I ran my 63's with several different amps including ... 
Premier 16LS & ET5
Thank you for the compliment Lloyd. 
Problem with CJ Phono Pre and Dynavector MKIIXX2
Unfortunately the TEA is just not high "enough" gain to run the LOMC Dyna. Don't despair though. The CJ electronics are beautiful instruments (I run all CJ electronics myself) and with the right step-up transformer will sound glorious. 
Premier 16LS & ET5
I own the Pr16S2 paired with Pr12xs (triode version w/EL34's). BTW, also have Merlin Masters and Clearaudio. I've never heard the ET5 but I can assure you that the CJ electronics will sound wonderful with your Merlins. Please report back what you ... 
That's something I would ask Conrad Johnson. From what I've read, there may be some concerns with the KT150 and their newer amps. I think caution should definitely be exercised in their older amps.