

Responses from mapman

What is Jazz?
The jazz gospel according to Orpheus.....:-) 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I've heard a bunch at a wide range of price points that I could probably live with pretty happily if I had to but none to date that make me think any less of my OHM F5s, series 3 as the best sound day in and day out to me. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Shakey, I'd say the same with SB touch with either my mhdt Paradisea or Constantine DACs.Same true even with my older Roku Soundbridges I had prior to SB Touches. I moved to SB mainly to get to the newer technology from a user experience perspecti... 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
Agree with Almarg.The intent of the "sampling" with digital audio is to sample in a manner that does capture all the relevant information. How well any particular digital format like redbook CD actually accomplishes this in practice is debatable b... 
What is Jazz?
Rok2,I think you are right about the golden age of teh various genres you sight being over.Their influences in more modern music is perhaps stronger than ever though. I find it easier to enjoy more modern music if I forget about traditional genre ... 
Personal speaker evolution
V7,That's an interesting progression from a speaker design perspective.Are you done for now or still searching? Would you consider going back to any you owned prior? 
Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"
Onemug,Thanks. That is useful information that I will consider! 
What is Jazz?
In terms of the "purer" forms of Jazz, these days I much prefer older Jazz from teh 1950s and earlier to the newer forms.A lot of interesting things happened with Jazz starting in the early 60's with Coltrane, Davis, and others, but unfortunately ... 
What is Jazz?
You'll get some interesting opinions in a forum regarding what Jazz is but I would look elsewhere to more traditional sources for more definitive answers.Or as alluded to above, given the diversity of form and looseness of "Jazz" music in general,... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
"Squeezebox Touch = entry-level digital audiophilia"That's a good thing.Simply add the right external DAC to meet your sound expectations and no longer entry level in performance IMHO, rather, already a serious contender for most audio hounds. 
Its hard to discern that the original table is one of the best when so many custom tweaks are needed to deliver the bomb in performance. Whenever a device is modded and a performance difference results, its now a different beast.PErhaps these old ... 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
"Digital always sounds less "real" for this reason"An absolute statement that is simply not true in my experience.Digital often sounds more real to me.Just my opinion.... 
Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"
How does one chose a power cord logically?Are there power cords for reasonable cost that are always a safe bet?Or does one try to tweak the best power cord to match a particular device somehow? How could one even attempt to do that other than by t... 
Looking for budget reciever for second system.
I'm using a 30 year old NAD 7020 receiver to good effect in my second system. The nice thing about this receiver is it can be had for dirt cheap these days even in good working order because of the age. ALso, it has RCA pre-amp outputs and amp inp... 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
Entry level always infers less than ideal.Digital vs vinyl thoughts?Two different means to an end.Other than that, at this point, meh!