

Responses from mapman

Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
"Quantum can be such an ugly word and makes a lot of people rather nervous. I move we just use the term, advanced physics. That way, everyone will be happy."If the physics to play it back need be so far advanced beyond that required to create it i... 
"Best of Show" Adverts
It is accurate in general to state that a companies product line won best in show (as a result of a specific model perhaps).If a specific model is said to do same and did not, that would be clearly a misrepresentation.Never rely on marketing mater... 
Modest Speakers for Large Room
I have read some excellent buyer reviews of even the small OHM MicroWalsh speakers doing quite well alone in what are described as large rooms, though for organ music and such a sub may be needed.I run OHM Walsh 100 series 3 (slightly larger drive... 
Why does your turntable sound the way it does.
It can be a lot cheaper and predictable to tweak one's mood while listening for better sound than most anything else. :-) 
full range single speaker
In many cases, poor or lifeless sound is as much a result of less than optimal amplification to drive a particular speaker design than anything else.Many modern speakers with good extended low end are also fairly inefficient and/or require lots of... 
full range single speaker
Full range that does it all is tough.Some very versatile and good sounding speakers use very wide range drivers though.A high degree of time coherency up to about 5-7Khz or so, where the majority of recorded music occurs, is their unique trait.OHM... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
I have had similar concerns about SB. Can't be a very profitable line of products. I hope not. We'll see. I have not seen many software updates of late. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
They are due for a new model I would say but do not know of anything specific. 
Fuses that matter.
Yes, I also brought up the potential risks with replacing fuses just for better sound a ways back in this thread as well.When one is addicted to something, like the continuous pursuit of better sound, I suppose one is more disposed to take a gambl... 
Rate my rig
I think it could be fun and make for some interesting reading and maybe even some learning. Obviously one would need to take a few grains of salt with it and a sense of humor would not hurt either. 
Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced
Its a fact that tweaks may work sometimes but are almost always cash cows with high markup fueled by hype used to help make this ridiculous industry profitable for some companies.I avoid expensive tweaks like the plague. Similar or better results ... 
Modest Speakers for Large Room
Larger omnis similar to my OHM F5s, like current larger OHM 2000, 3000, 4000 or 5000 depending on actual size and budget might be worth a look. Each sounds similar but are specifically designed to go in different size rooms.You will need probably ... 
Top 5 Classical recordings
A music server helps to keep track but getting metadata right for classical CDs specifically to facilitate ease of access is somewhat time consuming compared to other genres. Automated services often do not do a great job tagging Classical albums ... 
No response from sellers??
"Try leaving your phone number"Bad advice. Use the provided mechanism for submitting and tracking questions. If it does not work, let audiogon know. If a solution is not offered stop using audiogon until you can have faith in the system.Never ever... 
why performance increase after pause?
I am not quite ready to withdraw E's audiophile certification based on this although I'm sure she does not give a rat's ars whether I or anyone does or not.