

Responses from mapman

"Right-sizing" might be a more useful term to describe achieving ones goals, even lofty ones, with less. 
Would you trust a local dealer to help you put
"It was a good experience that has motivated me to hang in there with my current setup. "I'm curious what specifically was said that motivated you to hang in there?Does that mean that you may be better off than you thought?I know you've jumped thr... 
The Whipped Cream Lady from Herb Alpert's album
I have two framed "classic" album covers on my listening room wall. WCAOD is one of them and has not changed. The other one changes from time to time. 
Probably a smart move for many.Musical enjoyment may often need not necessarily suffer. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You sit for hours in infinite bliss listening to music just to hear what might happen next while all your ADD friends are out twittering. 
Laying it on the line
Audiophiles are no doubt quite opinionated about what sounds "good" by nature and do seem to tend to become obsessed with the chase almost to the point of OCD. And the fact is there is usually little in terms of concrete facts or metrics to back u... 
Excellent IC's yet a little mellow up top?
MIT ICs I have tried are excellent and mellow up top compared to others I use. I think you can find MIT ICs for less than $750 that fit that bill. I'd recommend trying those first before dropping big bucks on wires. 
Headphones? Anyone?
AKG has always had a lot to offer audiophiles for quite some time now. If I were to add another pair, AKG is where I might look first. 
Laying it on the line
My opinion is that no two products that are different in design and construction in any way are "the same". They are clearly different.Then the issue becomes how much different and does it really matter?Then things become harder in that the only a... 
Review Fantastic 4 - 4 USB DACs Face Off
I'd love to read some DAC shootouts that compare some well reviewed <$1000 DACs like mhdt or BEnchmark with others at various price points including a DCS DAC, which I suspect is one of the best.That might really get some folk's dander up thoug... 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
I'm not so sure its a true dilemma. Modern sound does not necessarily forgo musical bliss.There is good modern sound and bad modern sound just like there is good and bad vintage sound.So you can have your cake and eat it too but you gotta do the h... 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
"the surest sign that a loudspeaker will provide long term satisfaction is if during audition you find yourself enjoying the music so much that you are not thinking about loudspeakers at all"Amen brother. 
Laying it on the line
Audio is like cooking. All you really need to make a tasty dish is a good recipe and some good quality ingredients that need not be the most expensive. 
Why does your turntable sound the way it does.
Hey I agree! That's kinda like what I said early on. 
A dilemma: Modern sound, Musical Bliss or both?
Try to get in as much audition time with the Avalon as you can before buying then decide. Try to audition with the rest of the gear you will be starting with in the same system. Do not discount value of minor tweaks like ICs, clean power, etc. as ...