

Responses from mapman

Fuses that matter.
The gold fuses actually make sense to me in terms of potential technical advantage. Assuming they are certified somehow to work as a proper fuse should to blow at the right timeas (unknown?), these are one I might consider next time I need a fuse ... 
Your Top 5 Favorite Power Ballads
Sister Christian...good call also! 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
"Flipping the same recordings over and over to make comparisons is a completely different experience then enjoying music. Which would you prefer?"I've headed down the latter path in recent years as a result of bringing in internet radio, music ser... 
Your Top 5 Favorite Power Ballads
"Just Between You and Me- April Wine"I forgot about that one.... 
Fuses that matter.
I think gold is a good conductor compared to other metals that might be used. Silver is even better I believe. Most importantly, for use in a fuse, I think it has a relatively low melting point as well compared to other metals. That would make it ... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Bondman,I recall you live in NJ/NY metro area.Here's hoping that you came through Sandy OK. 
Sandy's Impact on your Listening
My brother in law had his basement flooded despite putting in a battery backup for his sump pump hours earlier (it did not have time to charge fully before the power went out). That was a bummer.My sister in BErgen County NJ had a 75 foot tree fal... 
Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces
"Vandy's are more a stepped baffle"Tex, thanks for clarifying that. I realized after posting that "open baffle" may not be the most accurate description.Vandersteen and OHM both focus on delivering coherent sound, and seem to be mentioned together... 
Ohm Acoustics Walsh F-5015 speakers
"Sure they are powerful, but I now start to believe that they are also capable of generating the most subtle nuances at all frequency levels."That's an attribute I would attribute to my F5 series 3 models as well, so no surprise to me there with t... 
Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces
One clear difference between vandies and omnis including ohm is vandies appear to work more like conventional box designs in regards to having a small well defined sweet spot whereas omnis like ohms maintain imaging and coherency of the soundstage... 
Does you wife touch your system?
Only to turn down the volume if she can. . 
Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces
Audio connection, Who's babbling? So tell us something about the vandies then if you can help answer the question. Modern ohms do not sound like those from years ago. I have heard vandersteens but not as much as ohms. 
Fuses that matter.
Using gold in a fuse sounds like a reasonable thing to do technically if there is a market for it. 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
You'd think a high tech quantum device would have a better designed attachment system. :) 
Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces
Both seem reasonable matches to either amp. I'm partial to the OHMs and the sound of omnis which tend to have a more life like presentation to me. Also I like that the OHMs use a single wide range driver up to 7Khz or so which is great for overall...