Responses from mapman
Best and Worst names in Audio "Funky" Fuses.I am still in process of perfecting these and bringing them to market, but when I do, they will sound even more awesome than the name. :-) | |
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally Now I'm starting to feel like I should drop another few c-bills on yet another version of the same old stuff I have heard in so many ways already for years.... :-) | |
Stick a fork in Dylan, he's done. Highway 61 RevisitedBlood on the TRacksOh MercyModern TimesTime Out Of Mind | |
how much of a difference should equipment make? I know what Al is saying is correct theoretically from what I read, and I think I understand whybut I have to wonder sometimes also. I do not have as many data points as Csontos, but I have noted a clear correlation between extreme differences in ... | |
The Worst Speaker you have ever heard. RC,You got it! | |
The Worst Speaker you have ever heard. Well, the worst ones in a home stereo system are almost always the real crappy cheap ones that have come in compact stereo systems from the likes of Aiwa, TEchnics, Soundesign, Sanyo, Panasonic, Sony, Fisher, and the others for years that are chea... | |
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved Now that the world has not ended (yet), Petty arises!Computer audio?Or maybe it has and we are now all really in hell? | |
David Wilson must be a little annoyed... "I enjoy music through my car radio too. But I don't pretend that it is accurate or high end, or try to compare my car stereo to a high end home system, like you compare your Ohms to Magico, Evolution, or Wilson. "I do like that you say what you t... | |
David Wilson must be a little annoyed... "Mr. Mapman, methinks thou doth protesteth too much."The grouping with car audio is what set me off. Really??? C'mon and get serious.Peace on Earth! | |
how much of a difference should equipment make? "It depends on where you are coming from and where you are going. "THat's a good answer! | |
Best and Worst names in Audio "You're in good company. Einstein didn't buy into it either."Just cause Einstein didn't buy into it is no reason why audiophiles should not buy into quantum audio. HEy, if it works for light, why not sound, right? Makes sense...... | |
Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450 I would really like to hear the new Audio Research DS450M. Maybe it is a possible next step type higher efficiency amp for thirstier speakers than say Icepower to-date.Will have to stop by my local ARC dealer where I bought my ARC pre-amp to see/h... | |
Best and Worst names in Audio "Quantum" generally requires a quantum "leap of faith" to buy into.o-o\_/ | |
Does vinyl have a sound? In 1978, a common $200 Japanese or European table + $10 vendor cost cart, like a basic Grado of the day or similar, could do quite well if set up properly or sound horrid otherwise.Things have progressed since then but factor in inflation and I wo... | |
Low budget, just for fun Or, you might even consider finding an inexpensive pair of powered speakers and hooking that up to the computer, assuming that digital including internet radio will be your only source, not uncommon in this day and age. |