

Responses from mapman

Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity
I had Ohm Walsh 2s from 1982-2008 that were still going strong when I traded them in for newer models.The OHM Walshes are most resilient. There are no exposed working parts. USe of wide range walsh drivers with very high crossover to a tweeter at ... 
Why do audiophiles shun feedback in amplifiers?
Kijanki explained it pretty well as I understand it.The argument against negative feedback is based on it being an imperfect process that introduces time delays and artificial harmonics accordingly as explained and that this inherent negative can ... 
Great Rock Tracks With Piano?
"Nineteen Hundred and eighty five" - Wings"Firth of Fifth" - Genesis"Trilogy" - Emerson Lake and Palmer"Cat Food" - King Crimson 
This will be interesting! 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
Only geof would equate asking reasonable questions about products and vendors in aforum like this with wife beating. No surprise! 
6Moons.com vs. Stereo Times
WOw, I actually still had the email response from John Potis to my inquiry. I'd like to share it. I don't think he would have minded. BTW I tried a Musical FIdelity A3CR amp first after this and that was pretty good but I then decided to splurge a... 
6Moons.com vs. Stereo Times
I was very sad to learn of John Potis' passing a couple years back and even sadder to learn afterwards that we were practically neighbors and I never had a chance to meet him, though he responded to a few email inquiries I had about amps for OHMs ... 
I can't handle digital after analog light my fire
I was that way with CDs/digital from about 1998-2007. Then one day, a light bulb went off and I figured I must be doing something wrong. So I started a concentrated and past due extensive system upgrade to get my digital sounding as good as my vin... 
6Moons.com vs. Stereo Times
"But, as is typical of many 6Moons.com reviews, where twists and turns and tangents abound,"Ain't it the truth!6moons is kinda like a lot of journalism these days, part entertainment, part factual/news.As such it can be entertaining enough if you ... 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
"Since you named names, why dont you read the review of the AR DAC8."I'll grant that digital is clearly not the forte of Audio Research. Not the first place I would look for the best nor best value digital solutions. I'm sure there are people quit... 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
"Mapman - you talk like the engineers at the larger high-end audio companies are gods and somehow know all"Well, I had a SOny CD player once and it was fair at best.Don't care for proprietary expensive Apple stuff much either.The mhdt DACs I use a... 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
"I agree totally with audioengr in that it CAN be a great way to go but you better do your homework."Amen to that!TO do the homework, one best be sure they are qualified or able to do it correctly as well!I have no doubt Audioengr is qualified and... 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
" a simple tweak almost everyone can do is to replace the cheap cap in series with tweeter with a really high end ones. I replaced the mundorf silver/gold with teflon v-cap in my avantgarde omega duos. the difference is dramatic "How would that af... 
Genesis Revisited
Overall, I found the sound quality to be quite good, definitely above average. I'd give it a 7-8 out of ten overall. Some cuts even higher perhaps. Acoustic guitars in particular sound fabulous in this go round and alone worth the cost of admissio... 
Advice on Equipment Upgrade
Different ICs might help or make a difference.I'd recommend DNM Reson ICs for this application. THey are extremely clean and coherent with fantastic transient dynamics in my rig. If they do not help in the areas of concern, then probably no IC alo...