

Responses from mapman

Ohm Walsh 2000s vs Vandersteen 2Ces
Rgs,Again, as Mamboni also related, current OHM Walshes are 3 design revisions (and 30 years) removed from originals in the 1980s. Imaging is much improved (night and day difference) and can compete with the best modern floorstanders I have heard ... 
Rip CD to Mac - basic question
The synchro mesh device is interesting.What are the measured jitter numbers with and without it for SB Touch?Thanks. 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
" These "artificial atoms" can be designed to exhibit specific characteristics, such as wavelength of emitted photons and bandwidth of absorbed energy. "Geoff, hate to break the news, but pretty much everything in the universe is designed that way... 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
GEoff has a purty programmed Diamond Light Crystal High Frequency Clarifier for sale here I see: MDCrystal Despite being announced as unannounced, one can clearly read about it and buy it and try it. That's a nice trick in itself! :^) 
How big of a difference do amps make?
No doubt tube amp maintenance and expense is a fact that tube amp owners must deal with. Taking special care of anything requires some special love.I really like my ARC tube pre-amp, which was my initial experiment with tube amplification. A fant... 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
I'm looking forward to opinions about how these sound compared to the most recent CD remasters. I'm a Beatles junky at heart, but have little interest in another set of Beatles recordings at this point. 
Wish You Were Here, 3 Different Versions
Format determines the potential for sound quality, not the actual realized in any particular case/recording. Any mastering on most any decent format might be determined to be best in any particular case. More hi res formats should have the advanta... 
Rip CD to Mac - basic question
"Mapman - have you tried the DAC direct to amps?What is your source? Maybe too much jitter to hear these things....Steve N.Empirical Audio"My main source currently is standard issue Squeezebox Touch mainly.Roku Soundbridge before that.I also have ... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
AMps are a power supplies friend for sure! :^) 
Rip CD to Mac - basic question
"Mapman - what preamp are you using?"ARC sp16. 
Rip CD to Mac - basic question
I clearly hear differences regularly with many things including power and analog ICs in my system, but with digital, the only clear noticeable difference I hear is when I change DACs. I'm sure there are measurable differences between digital sourc... 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
The vendors clearly use the term "quantum" in their marketing literature yet provide little or no information beyond that. Those are the only "facts" provided. So make of it what you will. 
Wanna feel old?
I saw The Yardbirds recently. Jim McCarty, the drummer, was the only original old fart. He looked good for his age (I sat close enough to tell)! The rest were very talented younger musicians. Probably better than the originals back in their day...... 
Ohm Acoustics Walsh F-5015 speakers
Most older conventional box OHMs from the Marty Gersten/ pre-John Strohbeen era had more forward mid range as I recall. I still have my OHM Ls though I've refurbed them a bit and same still holds true there. 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
" I can assure you my system does not dictate which record I play."That's always a good indicator that things are going as they should!"Why do you even care what Fremer has to say? Do you get pissy when some reviewer doesn't like your favorite mus...