

Responses from mapman

Slow speaker cables?
"Wouldn't a slower cable slow all parts of signal down, not just one part?"In a nutshell, probably not. Signal propagation of all sorts, including that associated with a wire conducting an electrical signals, is highly frequency dependent in theor... 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
"Why? You already have an "ALL OUT ASSAULT" system."One can never have too many toys, right?Well, maybe expensive ones...... 
My amp has no faults
Would high power consumption, low efficiency or generation of a lot of heat be considered a "fault"?Those are clearly measurable attributes of an amp.Not all that determines the sound heard is measurable or accounted for by specifications. Even th... 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
"But I do appreciate the effort being made, and the risks taken and hope to see the downstream results of their research and development to more affordable products, either by Magico or others. "For extreme comparison/contrast, John Strohbeen at O... 
Amp + Speakers for a 13 ft X 10 ft room
NEver heard Tekton M lore but like the design and approach.I've been itching to try something high efficiency that are floor standing and larger than my tiny but game Triangle Titus monitors. How can you go wrong at that price? Nice! 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
"even if i had the money, etc. i still wouldn't do it. Would I?"I'd like to think I would not in that I like to keep things simple (having been born and raised in AMish country after all), but I'll let you know for sure after I maybe hit the lotte... 
Direct Digital Amplifiers
Good topic! 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
Have we reached "the absolute sound" yet?If not how will we know it when we hear it?IS it better than sex? 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
No speaker plays as well away from home in an away game in an opponents venue. Kinda like most NFL teams. 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
""Go listen to live musicians and use it as a template to recognize and appreciate natural sound. You`ll be happy and spend far less money." Charles1dad"Good advice! 
David Wilson must be a little annoyed...
Gotta get me one (pair) of each of those nice expensive toys! 
Judy Collins
"Both Sides Now" is a true gem!I also like Neil Diamond's version on his "Gold" collection from back in those days. 
Budget system for Rock and dance Music?
OHM Walsh speakers and a 120 watt/ch or greater Class D amp is the ticket. Case closed. Exact model and cost will depend on room size and bass needs. 80w/ch or greater NAD amp would be another good option. 
Asking for guidance on my first hi-fi system...
"The audio world is a better place because NAD can offer so much bang for the buck."I agree. 
Is it possible to have an accurate speaker
Many underestimate the power and headroom needed for BEST not just good results.. One of the most basic and common snafus for all audio affectionados to address IMHO.I went to a show last summer where I asked a vendor to play some Rush on their ve...