Responses from mapman
Restocking Fees, 30-Day Free Trials "Restocking fee" done on a % of sales price does not make sense to me. It cost the same to re-stock a similar sized amp for example whether it costs $500 or $50000. The reasonable approach is to have the customer cover the actual or reasonable cos... | |
Old tube versus new tube gear I think newer tube gear in general sounds more neutral and is better geared for those who listen to a broad range of music genres and vintages. That makes it more versatile I would say! More vanilla. Older tube gear, in general, is more "flavored"... | |
Recording quality by decade I think its fair to say that recordings over the years have tended to continuously become more heavily "processed" over time, digitally in particular. Kinda like a lot of fast food. Also like we always seem to get new taxes and laws and few older ... | |
Machina Dynamica "1166 sales. (2) neutral feedbacks. All the rest positive."I've seen that. It is an interesting metric to consider! The only thing I could say with certainty about it is its surely a part of how MD stays in business. Also that it probably has a lo... | |
Machina Dynamica Geoff, may be feeling beat up on and Ronery . | |
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean? EMI/RFI fields from external devices can often be a silent killer. | |
Machina Dynamica Mars Attacks?or Team America? | |
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean? "Possible sources could start with the quality of input materials (e.g. CDs or LPs)"I used to think this was more of a factor in the past than I do these days. I really think system related issues are a much bigger factor, though I know a lot of p... | |
Is there a perfect speaker? "Even if there were a perfect speaker and it was connected to a perfect chain of perfect components, it would still be compromised by your room."Not to mention our ears.Young ones hear well but are less well trained and older ones the opposite. | |
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean? "When you get to 3-4 hrs of listening still feeling good, stop spending money."That's pretty good advice! | |
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean? "It means its time to upgrade."Good one!But upgrade implies better or more expensive accordingly. Maybe practically its simply just time to fix things. It may cost more or less in the end than what you started with. Practically, spending more is p... | |
Is there a perfect speaker? Nothing is perfect. So neither are speakers.Practically, the sound coming from a speaker might be said to be "perfect" when the listener thoroughly enjoys what they hear without reservations. After, all the speakers job is to deliver pure musical ... | |
Recommendation on soft dome bookshelfs under $1K Johnny,Gotta agree the Aon3 looks like a pretty refined big hitter at its price. Will be seeking out an audition of those sometime soon. | |
Machina Dynamica Look, the Cosmonium did make Dr. Smith's stone monument/statue he made of himself come to life! Then it wanted more to stay alive! Gotta love Irwin Allen!Oh the pain, the pain!!!! | |
Machina Dynamica Maybe Coconut is Geoff's high-rent alter ego? One sale there = many MD sales. |