

Responses from mapman

What country still has music?
Schubert you have a point there. I'm a fan of the philosophy of yin and yang though. Gotta deal with both the dark and light sides of life to get by. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Underdriven Ohms sound like This.Not Bad.But maxed out OHMS sound like This.Much better! 
What country still has music?
Next time I go into the boxing room to work the heavy bag, I think I will play some Mozart and see if that can get me going like some good AC/DC. 
What country still has music?
Everyone has a chip on their shoulder I suppose.Its big business!Most learn to deal with it better with age, but I suspect even then it is always there, pretty much without exception. 
What country still has music?
"There's no artistic ability with gangbanging and cop killing plus having it crammed down our throats in TV commercials, advertisements, sports events and radio stations. Rock music never did this..."No but the point is the parents of teh rock gen... 
What country still has music?
"R U surprised that we now live in a world of less than mediocrity.."The world on average is mediocre pretty much by definition.Luckily, there are still plenty of exceptions to keep things moving forward.Learn to ignore the mass media and much of ... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Bond,I've run my 100's of my 180w/ch Tube Audio Design Hibachi amps in a somewhat large room and know things are not 100% there at higher volumes because I know what my 5s running of the 500w/ch Class Ds sound like.I used the TADs to fill in for t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Bondman,Welcome to the dark side! :-) 
What country still has music?
"And, let's face it, her SuperBowl performance was eminently forgettable."Yes, but aren't they all?Its more about being as over the top as possible without breaking any social taboos. A big name star is required.I'm a big Stones and Who fan, and c... 
What country still has music?
Wealthy because beautiful, talented and likable as well it would seem.Not to mention multi-racial appeal and a catchy name.Beyonce', the perfect storm? 
Who makes the highest quality tube gear?
If the A'gon monitors see this, this thread can be deleted. It got posted multiple times as I was editing it initially.Thanks and cheers! 
Who makes the highest quality tube gear?
If the A'gon monitors see this, this thread can be deleted. It got posted multiple times as I was editing it initially.Thanks and cheers! 
Who makes the highest quality tube gear?
"Didnt someone recently post this question?"I made some edits to it prior to it getting posted and the Agon system posted multiple copies rather than just the final version.Oh well, special bonus for me I suppose. 
How Important is power conditioning if you have
Raks,You want to disrupt your audio magic? I don't know squat about that gadget but the name sure sounds scary! :-) 
Who makes the highest quality tube amps?
Thanks for the supporting argument Syntax.TP, I don't doubt your the best, but where's the beef? :-)