

Responses from mapman

Bass leaves after amp warms up?
I am finding my Icepower Class D amps by far are less subject to dynamic compression at high volumes than any other SS amp I have used in recent years, including 360 w/ch Carver, 180 w/ch Tube Audio Design (I still own and use this and have a/b co... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Good call. Bad connections happen and could easily produce the effects observed.If the problem occurs at lower volumes as well as high, that would better indicate that temperature inside amp over time when driving speaker load is not a factor as w... 
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
"Mapman, my gut is you would probably like Boones Farm."Probably not. I like wine but am not crazy about most wines out of the bottle. I prefer to add my own "tweaks" as needed in most cases. 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
"Like the Intelligent Chip and Rainbow Foil or Cable Wraps from Highwire and Shun Mook, or even the Mpingo Disc from Shun Mook, even such pedestrian things like Tube Traps and acoustic resonators, not only do WA Chips bring things to the table tha... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Hmm, why could it not be both amps tried are being overdriven driving the 4 ohm PSBs to the user's satisfaction, especially if listening at very high volumes, and performance deteriorates over time accordingly?Which Bryston amp was used specifical... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
One red flag I see that might help account for what the OP hears is that his PSB speakers show 4 ohm nominal impedance and the MF amp specs indicate power into 8 ohms only. Together, that might account for what the OP hears. Amp specs or bench mea... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
All amps are no perfectly efficient and produce heat as a result. If the heat produced is not dissipated and temperatures rise to much accordingly, I would expect sound quality can be affected.CAn't say why this might be occurring in the OPs case,... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
I have no doubt that all fuses are not created equal and can affect the sound at least in some if not all cases.What I am not as sure about is if high priced fuses marketed to audiophiles are required to do the job. I suspect there are well design... 
Listener fatigue: what does it really mean?
If you're drinking Boones Farm only, you are probably more likely to try almost anything that might make things better.Disclaimer: never had Boones Farm. It might be pretty good for all I know. 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
"I suspect other WA Quantum Chip customers will agree with me that the chips are much more than band aids, inasmuch as they obviously reduce noise and distortion in audio systems. "There may be other ways to accomplish that as well so in that sens... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
IF a newer amp has lots of bells and whistles and sells for a price comparable to comparable powered gear with less b+ws sold 20 years ago, I'd say there is a fairly good chance the older unit can outperform the newer since the newer unit does mor... 
When a Reviewer "likes" something
I like that Raul says what he thinks. And that his views change over time as he learns as well. I usually get the gist of what he says. Does that mean I now understand Japanese? :^)A little humility like admitting one does not have all the answer... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Willie,I hadn't thought about the chips like that....kinda a band aid of sorts? OR maybe more like a nicotine patch?That's fine but I am not a fan of blindly applying performance enhancing tweaks all over the place, especially potentially expensiv... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Jwc,the late john Potis, who ironically I found out lived right down the street from me, was a long time OHM fan. I asked him about amps for my newer OHMs a few years back via email and he responded at the time encouraging me to throw the kitchen ... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
No doubt make sure the power is good first. Then worry about fuses later if one must, once the rest of the major items in the house is in order. Unless one notices a problem with the sound that might be traceable to a bad fuse perhaps. Personally,...