

Responses from mapman

Capital Audio Fest 2016
Saletric There were few if any CDs being played on CD players. Mostly vinyl and digital streaming.   I suspect that and strides in Dac technology in recent years  helped achieve better more consistent sound throughout the show.  I know it has for ... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
http://www.cnet.com/news/forty-years-ago-the-ohm-f-speaker-was-a-game-changer-it-still-is/ The modern day descendants of these continue to improve regularly as well.  Definite game changers for me.  
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
Seems like the dealer knows the Devaliet is in fact worth more than the wires.     It sounds like a bad deal.   
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Walsh drivers were conceived and realized in the 1960s.    
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
Yes wires worth that amount should trounce anything from Mogami. No way to know unless you try.        You could end up better financially by spending less on wires and investing that money elsewhere in your system down the road if needed.  Its pr... 
Capital Audio Fest 2016
These are the rooms I heard with sound I would like to hear more of.  Kefclassic audio/Atmasphere martin logancare audiodaedelusOdysseyrogue/Joseph audio/now listen herebenchmarkvac/gershmanberning/voxitive custom hornsStar soundAudio note 
Capital Audio Fest 2016
Welch my guess is that most of the rooms were not large and most people look for smaller more compact speakers anyway.   So that somewhat means speakers might not be as large or expensive as they can be.  Whereas there is no practical limit to wha... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
I assume we're talking about home audio speakers.   Sound overall all at large outdoor concert venues has increased greatly.   So better things seem possible at the largest scale.   Most home home listening rooms aren't any larger today than years... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
More sound out of smaller boxes. But only with more power. Also many new transducer technologies and innovations since then.  Probably also way more really good ones to choose from  with unique strengths and weaknesses. Are they better?     Not su... 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
If its a standard balanced IC that is needed in particular, where sound differences among wires should be minimal if any, I would forego all the high end audio brands and look at pro audio vendors for a good quality wire for reasonable cost and ca... 
Retract offer
Good to know. 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
Wires are often a potshot even for the best informed.My advice is buy in a manner that enables you to experiment without taking a loss each time you might want to change.    There are some vendors who offer generous return and exchange programs I ... 
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?
That I love music and understanding the technology well enough to make proper  choices to help assure the music sounds as good as it can as well. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Music is a much more interesting topic than fuses IMHO.But plenty of appropriate threads to talk about that or you can always start a new one.  Better than than water down one about a technology/product,.The music might sound really good without a... 
Dac that produces music
I've heard high end DACs and don't know if better or not, (have never A/Bed against the best) but otherwise a used mhdt Constantine fits the bill you describe if you can find one used for not very much.   Could save a lot of money that can go else...