Responses from mapman
Whats playing on your system today? Music from great Hitchcock movie thrillers. Found in local public library. | |
What to do with bad recorded CDs There is much good music recorded less than optimally. Sometimes poorly. If you love the music recording quality will not stop you from listening as long as things are going well. If not there are ways to make lesser recordings tolerable perhaps t... | |
Best speakers for Pink Floyd? Largest MBLs in largest room with best matching amps set up perfectly. | |
What piece(s) of equipment would you most like to try? Top of the line dcs dac | |
What makes an expensive speaker expensive | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... OP,For comparison, my main gear is in my office on foundation level, concrete floor with thin dense carpet and padding. A most solid foundation to start with. Bel Canto ref1000m amps are on an antique wood stand with soft padded top. SB touch on t... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... " No fuse. No power cord. No ground, no house AC. No interconnects. No speaker cables. No problem. "No wonder the purests in these parts all love you. | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Geoff repeating your same arguments over and over does not make them any more or less true.Obviously you believe the problem has not been solved effectively. That’s fine. But I notice you tend to fear problems are more severe than most. The old ma... | |
What in the world is going on..... Do not have this CD but other recent Paul Simon CD I do have was definitely mastered to be "loud". | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... OP,OP,I am still trying to truly understand the magnitude of improvement people are hearing with Red and Black fuses.On a scale of 1-100, what would you rate the magnitude of change heard with the SR fuse versus the speaker/floor isolation tweak?F... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... barabapapa, those are very interesting. Isolating speakers from lively floors is a must usually for best sound. I’ve found it to be one of the most basic and effective room tweaks one can do. There are many products that do this well. The main thi... | |
What in the world is going on..... I listen to various quality recordings with both speakers and headphones and good amplification. Headphones tend to not have as much imaging and soundstage so I find the difference between very good and average recordings in that regard to not be... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... nyname if you really care my posts are all here for you to read and determine if any are insightful or not. Why would you need me to tell you which ones are substantive or insightful? So you can tell me they are not? Only you can determine what ad... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... nyname, OK here is a brief summary of where I stand on the topic of SR fuses. I tried a donated Red Fuse and heard little if any difference.I do not think all fuses are created equal. I also tend to agree with Wolf’s assessment of SR and its mar... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Wolf has indicated multiple times to various degrees of detail that he did experience the Black Fuse.The science behind fuses has also been covered pretty extensively in this thread by Almarg, Atmasphere and others who most would regard as highly ... |