

Responses from mapman

Returning to audiophilism after 20 years: a little guidance would be nice :-)
It’s all good these days. Read up and take  your pick. 
Music Lovers Speaker vs. Audiophile Speaker
It’s just semantics.  
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Well I do agree the fewer tubes the better.I’ve had the sp16 for a number of years. It’s been pretty easy overall on the tubes but with any tube gear you have to be ready when a tube starts to go. 3 tubes in pre-amp and 3 in phono stage.  There is... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Audio Research is a common option. I use an Audio Research tube pre-amp with phono. Only 6 tubes I run these days. Cost under $2k new during a sale a few years back to make way for newer model.I’ve had a handful of VAC auditions. Won’t say the two... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
@atmasphere +1. Never met Duke but that rings true from what I have seen over the years here.  I have learned a lot from him here over the years.   You too! 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Do I win a prize for hitting that? I’m looking for a world class integrated amp. A VAC would do just fine. It’s not easy to be around for many years and post regularly without getting banned or just plain burned out at some point prior. I did take... 
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
Science and its application in Engineering provides people many good quality choices for their hifis. Even a way to sort through the complexity and figure out what is most likely to work best. But its always up to you which fruits of science and e... 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
VAC is very good stuff and has that reputation, so you will pay for that.    
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
BS free is particularly a nice thing these days.  Can't put a price tag on that. 
VAC preamps - too expensive?
Not if you like VAC pre-amps. 
Vibration control on power versus signal
I’d worry about EM fields inducing noise and distortion in nearby devices and guarding against that but vibrations, no. 
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Supertweeters obviously produce no bass but if there are instrument overtones in their range they can boost those  and deliver the full range of certain instruments better.  Of course you don’t need supertweeters for that unless your system is oth... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
Understandable.   I feel the same way quite often.  
Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
It happens.  
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
@antigrunge yes and those high-frequency overtones are referred to collectively by the term “air”. Look it up. I’m not making up the definition. Some instruments have them and some do not. Some that do might also produce some upper bass frequencie...