

Responses from mapman

New Bluesound Node – First Impressions
You need a better dac than the one built in.   
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
If it is the MElody amp reviewed here: 6moons audio reviews: Melody Hifi M880 its a few years old but probably quite good having been given a blessing by the late John Potis. I sought his advice and he graciously provided that back when I was doin... 
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Not only digital, but based on the chart none of the instruments listed produce sound in the range above 20khz either which is one of the reasons why redbook CD was designed the way it was and most systems only shoot for out to 20khz. https://i.p... 
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Yes most hifi over the years including digital is designed to work well from 20 hz to 20khz the standard range usually considered appropriate for human ears. Anything above that is even more of a potshot than that extreme already may be.A lot of p... 
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
High frequencies in general are directional and more of them will tend to shrink soundstage FBOFW all else remaining the same.  That’s a fact.  
Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500
I had Triangle Titus for many years. They did fine with most any amp but also liked a bit more power and current still to perform best. Most speakers do. THing is some will prefer to hear the sound of their amps more than what speakers are capable... 
All Benchmark System Question
Interested to hear how that works out.  
Tune of the Day
Yuri by Oi Va Voy.  
Tune of the Day
World of the Void by Kaipa.  
Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?
That sub out thing with the Blackhawk is strange. Would like to hear from the vendor if that is by design or something else. Agree I would not want a unit designed with a fixed level output to a sub. That sounds like design flaw which makes me won... 
What is it you expect to hear from hifi gear that you have not yet?
@barjohn,You might find this an interesting read: Thinking Outside the Box -- Listening Outside the Room or the Bouncing Sound | News & Views | Ohm Speakers | Custom Audiophile Speakers for Music & Home Theater  
All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary sets due to be announced tomorrow
It’s going to be louder for sure and will hopefully hold up and sound good.  If ever there was a recording that needed a modern remix it’s ATMP.  
Does Steely Dan sound bright to you?
Streaming my cd res rip of Aja CD mcad-37214 copyrighted 1977, 1984, An early CD release. Not bright. Not far off from what I recall on original vinyl which I think I still have.Also streamed and compared with Aja off Spotify which is lower res.  ... 
What is the sound level of Your Listening Room?
29db in main listening room.   
Connecting MacBook Air to DAC
I stream from my music library on a Mac using Plexamp for Mac which requires a Plex pass. Can also be done with straight up Plex app or Plex.tv website and that has tidal integration as well.