Responses from mapman
Magnepan, Best midrange? I should be more specific and say they are best/most special well away from rear wall. Maybe 1/3 or more of the way into the room. Not so much side walls. | |
Magnepan, Best midrange? Best is subjective. Maggie’s midrange is fine. With Magnepans it’s not about that. Others have good midrange as well. More about overall dynamics and type of music listened to and subjective determinations by each person regarding what they want t... | |
To Stream or not to Stream Don’t make it so hard. It isn’t. Just do it. A good quality DAC is the key. | |
What Integrated Amp do You use Bel Canto c5i in family room system. Fosi Bluetooth 4 in downstairs 2channel A/V system. | |
What’s the biggest mismatch you’ve seen, heard, or done? Tube Audio Design Hibachi amps (no feedback) driving kef ls50s. Yuck. Completely flat and lifeless. Big time impedance mismatch. | |
So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences? “So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences?“A lot. It’s a real thing. | |
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!! Clean connections and contact enhancers are not a bad idea. Just does not cost $350 to do it well. Except for a handful of audiophiles. | |
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!! I won’t be buying $350 goop to smear on my expensive gear from a very expensive wire company but to each their own.Also they are sound rating the goop in various categories? Doesn’t what you smear it on have something to do with that?Not buying ... | |
Schiit Lokius 6 band equalizer - in use observations Good stuff. An affordable tweak that clearly adds value. | |
Magnepan, Best midrange? Glad to see Maggie’s getting some love here. | |
When someone listens to your system for the first time. I love it when a plan comes together. | |
So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences? Could be. Try it and see. | |
New speakers dilemma for vinyls... Heeelp! :))) +1 @uncleang. How the speaker and the bottom port interacts with the floor is a big factor. I use Auralex Subdude pads under mine on suspended plywood floors but not on solid concrete foundation (finished room with thin dense carpet and pad).More ... | |
The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth. The rhyme and reason is probably exactly what you think it is. | |
New speakers dilemma for vinyls... Heeelp! :))) The Ohm Walsh speakers are not difficult to drive compared to most. The larger models in particular do tend to like lots of current and damping. They will respond to any improvement or change made upstream so the actual sound can vary significa... |