

Responses from mapman

Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 5 Series 3 Speaker
Eldartford,I think the current larger Quad electrostatics at ~ $12000/pair (don't recall the model #) are the only things I've heard other than the Ohms that has recently "blown me away", and competed for my reference standard.I like my Dynaudio a... 
tube amps sounding like solid state and vv
I guess in the the case of SS versus tubes it's a matter of perspective based on preference. 
What exactly causes clicks and pops on vinyl?
Atmasphere,There is another thread on Audiogon that talks about record cleaning rituals that includes a lot of different ideas about how to get a record clean.The most deadly kind of click or pop is due to a scratch on the record, meaning the phys... 
tube amps sounding like solid state and vv
Taijitu (yin + yang)?Perhaps, like many dichotomies, neither tube nor SS can truly thrive alone? 
Details of Beatles Vinyl Master Recording BOX Set?
I've seen the Capital remasters box sets but haven't heard them...I haven't jumped yet because the standard CD issue mono versions aren't bad.I thinking maybe at least some of the stereo versions from the Capital remasters CD sets are what they pl... 
tube amps sounding like solid state and vv
I'm a firm believer in the notion that the pre-amp is the better application for tubes rather than the power amp. 
Details of Beatles Vinyl Master Recording BOX Set?
Its amazing to me that the Beatles catalog has gone through few relatively few re-masterings on CD.Many lesser acts have had their catalogs re-mastered umpteen times already.I suspect the audio buff market that is the natural target for remastered... 
Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 5 Series 3 Speaker
Mamboni,I am not far from Pa. You seem to really know your stuff. I will definitely contact you by email and see if maybe I can take you up on your offer to hear Walsh done right! I'm sure I can learn a few things and would enjoy the ride as well! 
Arcam FMJ CD36 or Musical Fidelity A5?
I think you've zeroed in on a win/win choice between Arcam and MF. These are both excellent lines that provide excellent value.Yet, I suspect these two players sound considerably different and the choice a matter of personal preference. Then again... 
Details of Beatles Vinyl Master Recording BOX Set?
I have MFSL vinyl recordings of Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road. Xiekitchen describes them well.Yes, they sound better in general than standard issue vinyl. Do they sound better than the CD versions? Maybe. Both sound quite good but different. I would ... 
Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 5 Series 3 Speaker
I was just checking out Ramy's system on Audiogon with GP surround sound and multi level listening. Now that's some setup! I imagine it must truly sound essentially like a live performance regardless of listening location.The center channel speake... 
Good, Affordable Horns?
Shiva,Sounds right from what I've read the Khorns have a very discrete sweet spot....it still might work for me. We'll see..... 
tube amps sounding like solid state and vv
THe answer is probably marketing....and the need to continuously offer something a little bit different. 
Integrated for Vienna Acoustics Haydn
Go with the Musical Fidelity. 
tube amps sounding like solid state and vv
Some solid state Carver pre-amps, like the c-6 provide dual preamp outputs: one SS and one that emulates a smoother, tube-like sound. I have used both to best effect over the years depending on the associated gear. The vintage Carver stuff provide...