

Responses from mapman

When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Albert,Have you ever heard the better DCS gear?I heard a Puccini recently in a limited audition and have to say I was impressed with how vinyl like the resulting sound was.Of course if the reference standard for you is the ultimate real vinyl soun... 
Holographic imaging
Newbie,The Carver c-6 pre-amp in my system is SS but provides two separate preamp outputs: one "SS" and one "tube". Each is voiced differently. The "tube" voicing does in fact sound more tube like than the SS and that is the one I tend to use. I f... 
Holographic imaging
http://www.stereotimes.com/speak111607.shtmlThis review asserts that the MBL omni design reviewed is, and I'm quoting, "holographic".I would say the same about Ohms, only placement in the room is less difficult to achieve the results since the sou... 
Holographic imaging
Dazzdax,One thing I think I would say with confidence is that you won't get holographic imaging if the sonic queues needed are not in the recording even with tubes. If that's what you're hearing, its encoded in the recording and your system is dec... 
Holographic imaging
Sorry, here's the working url:http://www.morrisonaudio.com/morrison_donsview.htm 
Holographic imaging
Here's one of the more interesting accounts of how depth and image in sound reproduction works that I've read.http://www.morrisonaudio.com/morrison_donsview.htmth 
Holographic imaging
Newbee,The "holography" you describe is consistent with speaker configuration parameters that I found worked best with Carver sonic holography. It works better with more directional box designs, particularly when approximating a point source. It w... 
Help with uninspiring sound with my turntable.
If you search the Linn site, there is a template in a .pdf file you can print, put on your table and use easily to align the cartridge.Anti skate generally should match the tracking force. For example if the tonearm is adjusted so the tracking for... 
Holographic imaging
By the way, holographic imaging is a somewhat vague term not commonly heard in these audiophile parts."Holographic Imaging" is a specific feature on Carver pre-amps that you can switch in and out as desired. I am very familiar with this effect fro... 
Holographic imaging
Newbee, I think I generally agree with what you're saying but can you please explain the assertion that omni's are not inherently capable of holographic imaging? I have never heard a pure omni design, but I would expect them to be inherently more ... 
Holographic imaging
DC,If you read my second to last post here I think you'll see we agree that "holographic imaging", assuming this refers to transparency, is more of a room and acoustics thing and not an artifact of SS versus tube. 
Holographic imaging
Dazz,I think many refer to what you describe as "bloom" and yes, it is more associated with tube gear than SS. I believe it has something to do with the way various harmonics are presented in general with tube gear versus SS. 
Good speakers at low volume?
Another thing I can offer is that Dynaudios sound very good at low volumes for a conventional dynamic design. Triangles are even better. 
Good speakers at low volume?
"Another suggestion is the Linkwitz Orion which I would have picked if ability to play loud was on my list of priorities."Ohm Walsh speakers are another option in this case. 
Holographic imaging
"Holographic imaging", or transparency as it is often referred to, is an artifact of a combination of system and room acoustics resulting from speaker placement. Its not due to SS or tubes. Either may or may not image "holographically" depending o...