

Responses from mapman

Amplifier and Speaker Advice needed
For a room that must be utilized as is and cannot be tamed, omni's are a very good way to go. I'd add speaks first and worry about the amp, powered sub or whatever else tickles your fancy later. 
Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?
Here's a nice piece that does a good job of communicating what makes the Triangle Titus 202s so special:http://www.tnt-audio.com/casse/titus202_e.html 
Direct Drive turntables
Changing drive alone would be a purely academic exercise, except for perhaps for those that might be willing to custom build their own table.Practically, it is the overall design and integration (table, arm, cart, phono pre-amp) that matters for m... 
Direct Drive turntables
Here's an objective test that might be done.If one were inclined and had the knowledge and time, one should be able to take a high res digital file created from various turntables as a source and then use computer algorithms to match the signal pr... 
Direct Drive turntables
"but this is a place where subjectivity rules. IMO, measurements are useful in guidance, i.e. don't buy a 2W SET amp if your going to use 85dB efficient speakers, but the only thing that really matters is how the equipment meets your individual re... 
Direct Drive turntables
They are not as common because they are more expensive to do well these days as someone indicated early on.I'm skeptical of any inherent benefits of DD to the average home record listener over other drive approaches. It ain't rocket science to get... 
Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?
Agreed regarding a fair resemblance to ML and perhaps also Quad ES in terms of speed and airiness despite the conventional box design. 
Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?
Reubent,The Triangles are balanced, easy to drive, very detailed and articulate, have very fast transient response and practically disappear in the room when set up properly.They are among if not the best I have heard at low volumes as a result pl... 
Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?
Nothing I have heard sound quite like the Triangle Titus 202s in my second system. Focal Profile monitors are probably the closest. 
Would a Better Phono Amp Improve Budget System?
agree with tpreaves 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Probably break-in. Newer 1000 series wit different drivers could break in differently than the prior incarnations.Something I have found worth keeping in mind is ICs used make a huge difference in tonal balance, impact, attack and most other sonic... 
the smoothest sounding speaker
OHM Walsh for use with SS amps. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I still have my Carver pre-amp with sonic holography around as a spare.Agree about the ups and downs with sonic holography. I bought the Carverand used it primarily with Magneplanars back in the eighties. The Walsh 2s I also owned never seemed to ... 
most articulate speaker
no single design holds a monopoly in this area.QUAD ES, Magico, mbl, OHM, some MLs, Triangle and Magnepan all do it very well but in different ways. You need good electronics upstream in all cases.The best reference source recording I have ever he... 
DAC that re-clocks for under $1000?
What else beside Benchmark?