

Responses from mapman

Band with highest success/talent ratio?
I looked at some lists of most successful rock bands..Fact is most of them have substantial talent enough to justify their success. Success is easier to measure quantitatively. Units sold, dollars earned, whatever. Talent is a more qualitative ass... 
Band with highest success/talent ratio?
The Archies?Betty carried the band IMHO.She could really whack that tambourine! 
Band with highest success/talent ratio?
The Chipmunks? 
Band with highest success/talent ratio?
The Monkees?The Partridge Family?The Jonas Brothers? 
The Beatles Mono CD Box Set
"Have you compared any of the mono CDs with either the new or old stereo CDs? "The newest stereo and mono remasters are all very good and for the first time are finally in the same league as most of the better newer remasters in the same genre I h... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
MM,Yes, I've seen that review and have both Constantine and Paradisea DACs. I can easily concur with the reviewer's opinions.I have two systems and have tried both DACs in each. I like the Constantine in my main rig which already has a tube preamp... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
The DCS gear uses a proprietary and quite sophisticated and well executed programmable DAC architecture (the "Ring" DAC).I have not studied the exact algorithm used, but I believe the DCS DAC architecture in general to be absolute SOTA in regards ... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
"Someone please direct me to a digital device that can convey the air and natural tone of massed strings that one hears live and is only approached by vinyl?"I agree that is one of the toughest things to get really well done with Redbook CD digita... 
Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?
Off if possible, but on if needed.Whichever sounds better in your rig on particular recordings.If you leave it off and it is needed, your amps power gets used up producing low frequency noise leaving little for the music,which can be a precarious ... 
perfect speakers for atmasphere amp and preamp
If it were me, and there were no price or room constraints, I'd be looking at both Classic Audio Reproduction speakers with the field coil drivers (recommended on many occasions here by Ralph/Atmasphere) or a perhaps a pair of Avantgarde or simila... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
"But if you want to bring your toys here and have a Muralboy vs. Vinylfeil shootout you'll be embarrassed.Stomped, crushed, and whipped."That might depend more on who greases the palms of the judges best more than anything!How much does this job p... 
Disappointing Evening
People see the B&O gear and think: Angelina Jolie!People see the industrial looking but good sounding stuff and think: Snookie! 
The difinitive recording of AJA
When Aja came out, it was a popular demo disc in audio shops because the sound on the original vinyl was top notch and the music had wide appeal.I've heard some decent CD versions that are pretty good over the years, but nothing that betters the o... 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
If you decide to go for an inegrated, the Krell 300i or 400i if you can squeeze it could be an interesting choice.I have heard these and was quite impressed running both full range Martin Logan and Focal Profile speakers.Krell is known for providi... 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
Audio research has some SS amps that come up in that price range that meet the criteria as I recall.I strongly considered these when looking in a similar price range because AR is primarily known for its tube gear and their SS amps are seemingly d...