
Responses from magfan

Room Acoustics question:
Depends:: and Depends.If you're talking 'bare room' without anything in it, you can make it go either way. Lots of windows? Flat ceiling? Willing to install / tune room treatments? 
Ultimate test of your system image
I can go the 10$ Sounds like a kick. I still remember the ping-pong recordings that came out when stereo was new. 
Speaker Help Required
Same problem, compounded by Magnepan dipole issue! My room even tosses in a few 45'angles! WAF Institute approved panels are on tap. With the sub x-over at 45hz, i don't think that's an issue and I have yet to detect bass for now, I... 
Ultimate test of your system image
How much $ I'm scared to look. 
"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
Muralman1,How do you keep non-insulated cables from shorting out? 
Homemade sound panels
Just my opin......I would lose the pegboard. Also, foam doesnt' transmit sound. the object is to either aborb, turning sound energy into heat, or to diffuse/reflect randomly. The 705 will absorb, since it is 'transparent' to sound. If you can't br... 
Homemade sound panels
I guess the catagory would be 'broadband absorbers' or some such. certainly NOT tuned, i would use panels such as I describe to treat excess 'liveness' in any listening area. Placed on the wall between speakers, you may be able to modify the image... 
Homemade sound panels
OC703 is the material of choice for many DIY panels. It comes in 1" or 2" and maybe even thicker 2'x4' sheets, usually in '6 packs'. You Tube (no kidding) has a couple vids on such constructions.My plan is to treat '1st reflection' points and the ... 
Best $500 speakers for Home theater only?
Check out HSU Research. I heard there full range stuff while auditioning a sub. Considering the listening area, not bad at all. You can get a full set AND a mid bass driver. 
Floorstanding Speaker - Recommendation
Maggies may be a little to tough to place if you want 'easy'.My 1.6s respond to just a few inches of movement. My old, mg-1s were more tolerant. 
Ripping CDs to lossless in Itunes.. HiFi approved?
Does it matter that for FLAC, they can reconstruct a bit-exact copy of the original?Can the same be said of Apple Lossless? If yes, than they should be 'equal'. And equal to an uncompressed .WAV or other format. 
converting stereo power amps to mono
Almarg,Did you mean feed the same signal (mono) to each channel of a stereo amp? If so, you are correct that the output between the 2 hots will be essentially zero, showing only the channel imbalance....which should be inaudible.If, however you fe... 
What is your favorite material for loudspeakers?
Just looked at link! Yep, as I remember......Need a new thread:: 'rocky-bullwinkle trivia' 
What is your favorite material for loudspeakers?
Upsidasium was the metal (mythical) discovered on Mt. Flatten.Don't you remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?Captain Wrongway.......but I'll save that for later! 
What is your favorite material for loudspeakers?
From MT Flatten?