
Responses from magfan

Kijanki,I am NOT an engineer. I MAKE the darn things in a wafer fab. The HexFet is a pretty neat design, and i guess you'd say it IS vertical. The gate and source regions are on the top while the drain is the bottom. Yes, one of the selling points... 
Best way to save cd collection?
Shad, The most stable form of storage would be RAID 5.The data is spread to 5 or more HDs and checksums also. So, in the event a drive dies you can replace it and the new drive will be reconstructed from the other 4, just takes time. The only way ... 
Kijanki,MOSFETs ARE transistors. Field Effect, but still a transistor.I have been in-fab for 30 years, the last making 'HexFets', a propriatary technology of my company...Bob Carver thought highly enough of them to use our devices some (all?) of h... 
Please recommend a musical sub for me
In your smallish room, a VTF3 is overkill. you might not be able to turn it down enough!The VTF2mkIII I use is fine into even my 5000ft/cube room.It even plays well with my panels.Your problem may be a near-cubic room. Approaches to 'fix' may incl... 
Best way to save cd collection?
I record in Apple Lossless. Play thru I-tunes via Airtunes controlled with a iPod Touch.At the stereo end is an Airport Express which has both analogue and optical outputs. I run the Optical to an input on my CA840c CD player to my stereo via bala... 
Best Carver stereo solid state amplifier design
Still have my 't' mod cube out in the garage. Debate continues on the subject of total rebuild and use as a sub amp for a DVC homebrew design. Al might have used his with higher sensitivity speakers, but I had very good luck driving a pair of vint... 
Setup vs. Amp/Preamp choice?
Jay,True, so then why the heck are the vast majority of questions dealing with 'what goes with what'? Isn't incompatible gear in the minority? Stuff like very bad speaker loads, or speakers requiring a current source amp.Or gross impedance mismatc... 
Setup vs. Amp/Preamp choice?
Setup: IF you include the room. Not only 'setup' of where/ how the equipment, but any room 'tuning' needed. I'd rather have an OK system in a great space than a great system in some echo chamber.... 
CD/DVD player that plays cd-rs under 300.00
New OPPO.will play nearly anything you can cram in the tray. 
dear maggie 1.6 owners a good way to run them
Plato,These were the Polk speaker w/a pair of mids and a pair of tweeters in each enclosure? They were located about 6" or 7" apart, the same as your ears.Difference signals were sent to 1 pair...don't remember if 'inside' or 'outside' pair.Do I r... 
Is Phase and polarity the same thing?
Eldartford, silly question, than.If 6db / 12db are 90degrees apart, how could you get the drivers back to phase in the Magnepan 1.6, which I have confirmed does use 'one of each' in its x-over? Seems they'd be 90degrees out?Also, with most if not ... 
Recall of Krell Amplifiers
Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', about 1610. Yes, Theramin is a non-contact instrument invented in about 1928 by Leon Theramin, a Russian. 2 hands control amplitude and frequency. BUT, as I was corrected in a previous post, the Theremin was NOT used i... 
Recall of Krell Amplifiers
I stand corrected! I have thought forever....(years, actually), that Forbidden Planet had a Theramin score. Now, I guess I need to find out what the difference is between the circuitry of the Theramin and that described for Forbidden Planet. At le... 
Electrical Question - dumb one - but a good one
The power consumption of any electronic device is in VA.This is corrected for power factor. You get BILLED for watts, or KWH (kilowatt hours) but consume VA, which except for a resistive load is always higher. Power companies will bill large, typi... 
Recall of Krell Amplifiers
From memory, so don't harsh me too bad!Theramin invented by a Russian of that name (first not remembered) who later disappeared under mysterious circumstances.No particular love for Krell, at least the Equipment. However, the Krell fictional race ...