
Responses from magfan

Why do speakers recommend amp wattage?
You could put a kilowatt in front of your Ushers without fear as long as you were actually listening as you turned it up. Running at 'redline' for extended periods will probably result in some kind of meltdown, or ear damage!Low power at too high ... 
Removing plastic phase plug from tweeters?
At Zero Dark 30 (That's real late at nite, for those in Peoria) I will sit right in front of my Maggies. Sound is spectacular, full range, with an amazing wrap around effect. Almost like the ultimate 'open air' head phones.As for those who modify ... 
A good 5 channel Amp? Help
Bryston? preowned cost? 
ground loop with new interconnects?
IF turning or spinning your RCA makes a difference, you may want to consider some kind of contact cleaner FOR those connections. Is the Radio Shackup stuff the same as the botique brands? Read the label! 
Elac Loudspeakers?
Indeed, good measured performance.Also, if I read the graph correctly, the highest phase angles occur at or near impedance peaks. This may help, but still and all, 60 degrees is pretty brisk and corrosponds to a power factor of 0.5 (Cos 60) which ... 
confused about equipment racks
Make that 11 pages!It is obvious that racking is of paramount importance for TTs and tubes. The theory and practice is in place with audible effects demonstrated. Anyone who ever heard a TT 'howl' or dropped a tonearm and had a woofer eject itself... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
Ad,So what IS the phase data for the Elac speakers? You can phrase it and post it as either a curve, Smith Chart, any other graphic, or just give the peak phase angle at a frequency.Sorry, but I'm a #s kind of guy. Hi 80s sensitivity doesn't scare... 
confused about equipment racks
The Stereophile article is what? 9 pages, a bibliography and a couple sidebars.Please give me till next week to finish that!!! 
confused about equipment racks
Thanks for inputs::Seems I've got some reading to do.So far, however, I 'lean' towards all thread for the uprights, nothing hollow since I'm not going to open THAT can of worms!I may experiment with tubing later. My fill idea is to use expanding f... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
Depends::How loud do you intend to play 'em? What is the electrical phase angle and the frequency of the low impendance dip?Under moderate phase angles and at high frequencies where there is lower musical energy, you should be able to get away wit... 
Foam Plugs
HSU ported subs currently are double ported. They also come with a single foam plug. You run the sub in 'Max Extension' or 'Max Output' mode, depending on plug insertion or not. There is also a backpanel switch to be set according to the plug inse... 
confused about equipment racks
Just as I thought.No consensus, plenty of choices from DIY to stratospheric.Not as 'hot button' as say... cables / interconnects or powercords, but still lots of variability.I will watch this thread for some more info, than go with my DIY plan, wh... 
Effects of using y-cable from pre outs
I don't know about LFE channel in theater applications, but for 2ch, everything below 80hz is mono, anyway. 
With average use how long for panel replacement ML
Sorry, Mac, but EVEN Magnepan panels have there own assorted problems.Hi humidity? They apparently don't like it either.The aluminum wire can corrode after years and the adhesive, 3m77 with overcoat only lasts so long. I am told it doesn't like UV... 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
12 step