
Responses from magfan

Do subwoofers really help?
What is the nature of the 'mis-match'?Impedance of speaker too low for amp?Phase angle problem......amp can't produce enough power?How can you tell there is a problem? distortion? Smoke/flames?/ Neighbors complain? Dog leaves room when you start t... 
Surge Suppressor or Not?
3 wire protection probably means HOT / GROUND / NEUTRALThe ZS technology is available for 'whole house' protection, which if I lived in a place like Florida would be installed as soon as possible. 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
Mostly I have 118. During peak demand of summer, it'll droop as low as 115.Lower voltage implies higher amps for same power. 
Do denon dv-2900's have a hi-temp problem?
Nasaman, how well vented is the Denon? The '5910 draws what.....maybe 50 or 60 watts? Shouldn't cook, even if it does get warm, as long as it is not confined.Cook it = Kill it sooner or later. 
Balanced connection XLR microphone cables ?
Much DIY lore here. Many reputable folk will sell you bulk cable and Neutrik connectors can be found at everything from Boutique outlets to Madisound. 
Best Amp with Magnepan 3.6's
Agreed. My room is currently 100% guaranteed to be the weak point in my setup. All other mods / changes are on hold until I can 'fix' the room. Of course, WAF is paramount at this point, since wall treatments and clouds are out of the question. Ma... 
Making the best of mediocre speakers
Magnepan makes, or at least USED to make wall bracket to 'hinge' a speaker to the wall. It'd fold flat to the wall when not being used. Since they were small panels the LF extension was awful, but maybe a small sub which would go to 120+ would be ... 
Best Amp with Magnepan 3.6's
Sorry about not being clear: The 3.6 / Krell 400 combo was at the local mag/krell retailer. Sounded nice and nothing special, but ran way too hot. Even had I been instantly impressed, I would have thought twice. And, while the setup was certainly ... 
Best Amp with Magnepan 3.6's
'Test Drove' the Krell 400xi with 3.6s and found it not quiet satisfying, not to mention that in about 30" of moderately loud R+R, it was hot enough to cook on. If you go Krell, make sure you are properly vented. 
Use of Power Conditioners vs. Direct into the Wall
I have a Panamax similar (apparently) to the Furman above. It has, in addition, an isolation transformer of 400va, which is used for all low current / digital stuff.Amps? They have there own circuit and PSAudio Soloist outlet. I can turn my stereo... 
Why Can't Tubes Be Mass-Produced Cheaply?
A couple of the original answers were spot on.Not enough demand.I'd love to see a 'modern' tube production facility. Some of the machines and tooling currently in use is probably 40 years old, or older.Bet that a facility of totally modern design ... 
Who makes blue-ray w/universal player ?
Bar,Would you believe......? The OPPO with a good DAC? I have experimented with my DV981 optical into my CA840c's input......An improvement to be sure.I am not up to speed on the mod guys. I wonder how, within weeks of issue of a new player, that ... 
Best Amp with Magnepan 3.6's
While I have not heard the combo, some report decent results with the Spectron issue.From experience, one of the ASP moduled ICE amps, like the BelCanto monoblocs do very well, indeed. I have the PSAudio GCC250 of 500x2 into 4ohms on my 1.6sDoesn'... 
Can a Magnepan 1.6 be BI AMPED?
HiFi,Ok, I'll skip the math! Most people don't do numbers well, as you could tell if you could see my checkbook!However, I DO urge you to google 'Power Factor' and just look at the Wikipedia article. This will give you and others a basic understan... 
Pathos MK11 no glow no sound
Don't pitch the 'old' fuses. They can be checked with a meter. It is a good/bad test so no doubt of condition.