
Responses from magfan

Double down, good or bad?
Audioquest4life:I see a few posts back that you state the Magnepans are a difficult load to drive.Not So. The impedance is pretty flat and at least for the 1.6s, the phase angle is moderate at worst. The only fly in the ointment is they seem to li... 
Classe CP-700 owners - won't play - AC Volt Error
140v at the house? wow and ouch. I've never seen over 119 here, and I have a full-time voltage monitor plugged in.Doesn't record, though, or even grab 'peak' value. 
Double down, good or bad?
voltage source / current source? I wish I could find the link to the answer to Kirkus post. This page called out an amp test to determine true output into real loads.4 ohms / 8 ohms and 45degree inductive / 45degree capacitive.The area under the s... 
frequency response - B&W vs. Monitor Audio
The 'demo' disc that came with my sub has an organ track with a 16 2/3 hz pedal tone. The Saint-Saens Symphony #3 with Organ is awesome.It'll rattle everything in house. You can see the warble in window reflections.I believe the Bosendorf Imperia... 
frequency response - B&W vs. Monitor Audio
Don't forget the room and setup!Also, when it comes to LF extension of above named, I see no tolerance and certainly no ref to quality of sound. 
connector for awg3
Try the local Lincoln, Chicago Electric or Miller dealer.They'll have just what your looking for. 
Double down, good or bad?
Semi,did you look up the Smith Chart?That will help in your quest. 
Double down, good or bad?
Semi, I worked in a FAB for 30+ yrs. Yep, moore's law SEEMS to apply. Any new technology will make such rapid progress at the beginning. I've worked from submicron to power devices, many places in between, started with evaporation and saw the star... 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
OUCH!I've always been pretty skeptical. Claims which are noted but not repeatable are always.....suspect.I've heard enough people complain about amps thru pcs that when my sound changed for the worse thru such a conditioner, I was convinced of at ... 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
my 'current' (please ignore pun) pc is a Panamax in the 5100 series.....don't 'member which. But it has a 400va iso into which all my low current stuff plugs. This thing really delivers using those outlets.I've had 2 amps plugged into it for testi... 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
PF, at least on an industrial scale can be corrected. Capacitor banks for sure will work, and maybe an inductor bank. Depends on if current is ahead or behind voltage. Using iron core inductors with the core being 'movable' will vary inductance. I... 
Do subwoofers really help?
I'm sorry.Am I missing something here? Did BobRock read the many answers to his question? Replacing speakers with less sensitive ones resulted in more bass?what?And just what WAS the solution? I'd like to know, especially if it was something silly... 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
Yes, power factor. Same thing happens with speakers where people insist on saying bad load=low impedance when really it is hi phase angle AND low impedance at around the same frequency that makes for a bad load. For speakers a Smith Chart tells th... 
Inverted Amplifiers
I had and HAVE a pre with absolute phase switch.Some material it can make a difference, but for R+R, which has had the phase data beaten out of it, it makes no difference. Multi miked anything is almost alway a mess, as well.The most difference I ... 
Line voltage is 116 not 120 why?
Kij, Yes there are many SMPS which run at a wide range of voltage. My charger for my Canon camera will run on anything it'll plug into. anywhere. NO DC.But, in general, is it true that lower voltage makes for higher current draw? If your PS draws ...