
Responses from macdadtexas

How can you not have multichannel system
Dgarretson is both an audiophile, and a knowledgable student of literay tastes. I take my hat off!! 
How can you not have multichannel system
Mig007, now we have an arguement!! After a cursory reading of "Porney's Complaint" the partisan reader would of course come to the conclusion that Roth is a multichannel guy. But with an in-depth examination of "American Pastoral" his dedication t... 
Amp recommendation: Cary SS vs. McCormack vs. Ayre
I have a Cary 500mb and man, I love it. The best amp I have ever owned, well for my set up, and I have had a bunch of them!! 
Plasma tv & preamp hum-not a loop
To quote Crush from Finding Nemo, "Dude!!" That is strange. 
Subwoofer & pre amp
The Rel does both, go back to the Rel. 
Coltrane love supreme sacd v. 180 gram
SACD is excellent, one of my fav's, the vinyl is better by virtue of being vinyl if nothing else. Much greater depth and detail. 
How can you not have multichannel system
Lennon has now moved ahead of McCartney as my favorite Beatle. I always knew he was the smart one.I think the other Lenin was a Stereo guy and Stalin a multichannel guy. Hemingway=Stereo, Steinbeck=Multichannel. 
Mint LP a no go – now what?
Within a month for a Wally-tractor, that's a record!!! They are good, but you will wait.....and wait..... and wait 
Rotel class D amps. Buy or not?
I have not heard the particular Rotel you mention, but that Parasound is still a great amp, and sounds better than any Rotel I have ever heard. 
How can you not have multichannel system
I have "Running on Empty" on both DVD-Audio and vinyl, and there is no comparison, the stereo vinyl is much better. Richer, deeper, more involving. Of course, I have a modest disc player now, and what I consider a very good turntable, so that may ... 
Magnepan MG1.6
I had not heard that about the solid cables, what is the science behind the synergy? I have been using Kimber, Analysis Plus and now Zu Libec with my Maggies, but I would definitely try the Anti-Cables if they are better.Thanks. 
Magnepan MG1.6
no, there is one version if it is the most current off the assembly line or the first, they are the same 
Musical Fidelity NU-VISTA M3 VS KW500
I had the NuVista Preamp an 300 amp a few years back and they had a great sound, so those are very nice. I heard the Pass integrated recently, I am not sure on price, and it was absolutely stellar, and my boss just got a Cary SLI80 and couldn't be... 
Magnepan MMG or something else
I love Mac gear, I have always believed that there is a reason it holds it's value so well, and it's not soley for the wonderful aestethics. I have had a C2200 in my system before where it was spectacular, that was with Dynaudio speakers and an In... 
Dynavector 501 repairs
Did you buy the one on eBay with the Oracle? What type of shape is it in? I was seriously considering it, but the bidding went past my drop dead price. Good luck let us know what it sounds like when it's all back together.I think you may have to s...