
Responses from macdadtexas

itunes backup suggestions
Herman, I fudged the back up number, guessing, my Droboshare right now shows 2.98 TB of capacity, but you are right about the Drobo website. I have not spent $1000 on my Drobo/Droboshare and the 4 1 TB drives. I spent about $750 all in. Not cheap,... 
what speakers to purchase
I second the big B&W's, only because a buddy has them in a similar room and they sound fantastic. He had some amp issues, and finally got them really rockin' with McIntosh 501's (which he got because they didn't sound good with my Maggies) and... 
Best John Mayer Album
That's like what's the best Yugo model ever built, isn't it? 
Turntable Isolation
Cool project. 
Sound for my new theater?
Next week the Oppo digital BluRay player comes out that will, eventually, do all discs including SACD and DVD-Audio, so wait and buy that. Then since you have a nice budget, I would go all Maggie speakers with Bryston amps, a Rel B1 sub, and Cary ... 
What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?
Signal Cable 
itunes backup suggestions
I keep getting shot down on this suggestion due to cost, but really the best, and in the long run cheapest way to back up your iTunes is via Drobo. Look it up online. It is basically infinite storage with built in back up. 4 hot swappable SATA dri... 
Best Albums of 2008 on Vinyl
OK, I forgot to add one on here that I may like better than Kings Of Leon if that's possible, Shelby Lynne "Just a Little Lovin". What a great album. Bought it for the wife, and I have played it about 100 times since. May be sacralidge, but I like... 
How much should I spend on a cd player or universa
buy a music server and an good external DAC. 
Where do I learn more about audio stuff?
search the forums here for basic questions, then read the strings, it will go fast, and sometimes be funny has hell. 
Klipsch RF62 vs Def Tech BP7004?
I've had those BP 7004's and I thought they were great speakers. Very dynamic, the built in subs were fantastic on movies. All in all a fantastic, easy to drive speaker. With a good reciever it's an excellent and satisfying setup. I have not liked... 
New to Bi-amping, Crossover and Tube amp
Good stuff, thx. 
Does power conditioning really matter?
It really depends on your home power situation and your gear. I traded down a few years ago from a higher end system, to a nice home theater system and got rid of my RGPC conditioners. I just used a basic Belkin Home theater surge suppresor for th... 
so what do you do when listening?
Well, uselessly post on Audiogon. 
Clearaudio cmb Emotion vs VPI Scout Master ?
I have a Clearaudio Performance which was about the same price as a used Scoutmaster, but I was actually wanting to buy the Scoutmaster and fell in love witht he look of the Clearaudio. Yes, I am a shallow audiophile. Anyway, I love the Performanc...