
Responses from macdadtexas

Active Speaker Recommendation
the AudioEngines, or maybe a set of Quad 22's powered 
power condtioner
I think it's really dependant on your power situation and how stable it is. I have some buddies in newer housing developements, or areas that have had huge power system upgrades in their area, and they have very little need for anything much above... 
Best Hard Drive and Enclosure for Music Server
Restock, that makes a difference for sure. Apt looks very cool though!! I had a Raid array, and I found it took a bit more mainenence that I was comfortable with doing myself. It was definitely more cost effective, I had mine in an old desktop enc... 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
Ozzy, that sounds pretty personal. Don't worry, everyone is impressed by your purchases, and I'm sure you are right that your power cords are changing music. You are a genuis and a great man, and I am humbled and shamed by your criticism, I believ... 
Best Hard Drive and Enclosure for Music Server
I don't understand why the noise from a Drobo would bother anything? Mine are in another part of the house. They are next to the router, and the Droboshare is connected to the router, this allows the whole wireless network to use it.I have (4) 1TB... 
Wish List For Vinyl Pressings
Diana Krall - Girl in the Other RoomTierney Sutton - Dancing in the DarkElton John - All from Elton John to Captain Fantastic (only GYBR is findable now)Led Zep - all remastered albums, not just the greatest hits. I want "The Ocean" and to hear "H... 
Best Hard Drive and Enclosure for Music Server
Drobo with Droboshare. Not the cheapest, but to me the absolute easiest, safest and pretty much infinite expandablity.Check out their 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker (complete) Artur Rodzinski, with the London PhilharomonicJourney - EscapeJoni Mitchell - BlueCarol King - TapestryThe Who - Meaty Beaty Big and BounceyAnd a variety of Beethoween and Mozart from some great old records ... 
Should I Try a Tube Preamp?
I would sell the amp and preamp and buy a Cary SLI80 integrated amp (used) and build around that. 
Linn Abandons CD Players
I had a Linn Unidisc 1.1 and it was amazing. That said, I don't have it anymore, it was replaced (after another reference disc player) with a turntable as my source of choice after 25 yrs without one. 
Linn Abandons CD Players
Where are all of you BluRay lovers now?? It won't happen, watch for Linn to come out with some incredible USB DAC next. These guys are awesome. Discs are dead. 
Rel B2 or JL Audio f 112
I love my Rel B1, I do think it's the best all around sub I have owned, and I have tried a bunch or them. But Audiofreak, have you owned a Paradigm, and used it with Paradigm speakers? There really is something to be said about synergies with cert... 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
TP, Really, reallly, Really????? Then why did I just spend the last half hour at Whole Foods buying organic everything for a Vegan meal? Thanks God Stuart was raised in Lebanon, he wants some bloody lamb chops (got those at Whole Foods too)!! 
Phono stage for tube system - recommendations?
Never seen the K&K's and I just looked them up, they look really cool, and well designed, but I don't see a tubed phono stage? 
Rel B2 or JL Audio f 112
for what the Sub would cost I would sell your 20's and look for a used set of Paradigm Sig 8's. Man, Paradigm makes such great speakers for the money.If you really want a sub, I agree with TP, go with one set up to match your speakers. Paradigm ma...