
Responses from macdadtexas

What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
Vinyl Rules!!!!Give 'em hell Bill!! 
How is Supratek Chardonnay compared to Cary SPL-98
I love my Cary, I like the Supertak. 
I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase
Jon, your question was answered about the other tables with the suggestions.A Garrard with a new plinth is a great sound too.I'm leaning toward to the Sota Recommendation right now.Great upgradable table, with a great resale if you decide to get o... 
Vinyl lovers I must be crazy
Buy some used vinyl gear on A'gon that you could turn around and sell if necessary, buy some new vinyl, and see if you find the magic again.I did. Very light now on digital.First thing I bought that changed my thinking was a Clearaudio Performance... 
I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase
I would talk with Albert Porter about a high end Technics SP-10 with a great tonearm such as a Graham Phantom, with the stellar Ortofon A-90 cartridge.That, or a Sota Cosmos with the Phantom arm and Ortofon.Good luck, I think you are going to love... 
Best sounding MFSL LP
Get the arrows out, but I have many, many of them, and with a few exceptions love them all, not very many disappointments.But, my fav's are the Beatles Box. I love the sound. Yes I have heard some of the Japanese colored vinyl mono's and they are ... 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
I'm onboard with the Klipshorns as well. They won't have the problems you worry about in that room. They will rock your world.With your budget, I would buy an older set, then get the upgraded Crossover, wood tweeter horn, and rpelace all of the dr... 
high output cartridge for vpi scout
I like the Soundsmith I have, but I have also loved the Sumiko Blackbird, and I think since the power supply is seperate, a Grado (not much shielding) will work, and sound great. 
Self-powered speakers: any good?
there are some great powered speakers, such as ATC that cost a fortune.If you can find some of the Paradigm Active 20's, or 40's which are rare, they sound very good at a more realistic price.The current Quad powered speakers are not that bad. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Guess Who - Best of (crappy RCA record club copy, great music though)Shelby Lynne - Tears, Lies, and AlibisThe Complete Buddy HollyRadiohead - Pablo Honey (180g came with a bad warp, but the periphery ring makes that a non-issue)Arcade Fire - ... 
Anyone tried Soundsmith VPI Zephyr MI Cartridge
Everything sounds good with the Phantom, great arm. 
Anyone tried Soundsmith VPI Zephyr MI Cartridge
I did not speak about the differences. I just assumed since he worked with VPI on it, it would sound great with the Classic. It does. 
VPI Aries versus VPI Classic
I had several cartridges that I used:Sumiko Blackbird, Grado Statement Reference 1, Benz Micro Gliderused the phono preamp in my Cary SLP98p F-1, and when needed a step up transformer from Graham Slee. I also was auditioning other phono stages in ... 
VPI Aries versus VPI Classic
My Aries was very bright compared to the Clearaudio Performance Magnum it replaced, and the VPI Classic which I now have. Not a contest, it lacked weight in the midrange, and with my gear some music just seemed to screetch. 
Moving From AVR to Amp
for digital audio the DAC is the most important component. Check the forums here, it's where your sound will eminate from.