
Responses from macdadtexas

How to hook JL F112 sub to both preamp and pre/pro
No, you cannot, you absolutely can get competing signals that can damage the amp/crossover.I have talked with JL Audio (and Velodyne, and B & W, and Sunfire....) about multiple inputs when I owned an F113. I bought a Rel B1 and sold the JL Aud... 
It was 44 years ago that...
I love Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, but there is no album that has had anywhere near the impact on popular music that Sgt Peppers had, not even close.It could be argued that without Sgt Peppers, some of those great albums mentioned above wou... 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
Soundsmith's proprietery line is incredible. The Voice, and the new VPI Zephyr which I currently own, are really killer cartridges.Best I have ever heard though, is the Ortofon a90. I've never heard a better all around performer. 
How to hook JL F112 sub to both preamp and pre/pro
JL Audio does not support that type of multiple connection, as you know, and I don't think you can get what you want with one sub. I think you probably need to get a sub crossover, Bryston 10b, or 2 way Marchand 44, and run your speakers full out.... 
Ortofon A90 broken stylus
I think that's the best sounding cartridge I have ever heard, and now your story makes me want one even more. 
VPI Classic hum
The Soundsmiths are all MI high output cartridges, you can check the website ( for the particulars. They can be used with MM phono stages. I use the Soundsmith's now, but it's not the only well sheilded cartridge. Dynavector an... 
VPI Classic hum
IT'S NOT THE ARM!!!!!! ARRGGGHHHHH. Going down the wrong road, making this too complicated. 
is turntable isolation required?
I love the Gingko isolation platforms with a slab floor. It stop much of the bass rumble. Until my most recent turntable, I thought it made a huge difference with my other turntables. 
MFSL Silver label Vinyl-English Beat-
Bummer about the English Beat, I was about to order it. I have the INXS Kick on silver label, and ordered the B-52's. The INXS is absolutely great. I had forgotten what a great album it is, and have really enjoyed this pressing. I found an unopene... 
VPI Classic hum
Just get a better shielded cartridge, that's all it takes. No other changes needed. It's not the arm, it's not cords. Motor in plinth = hum with unshielded cartridge.I have the Classic. I had a Grado Statement the Reference 1 (great cartridge) and... 
Pink Floyd
"the lunatics, are on the grass"...some love for the Floyd please 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
If you read all of the string, and know Maggies, the problem starts with the amp. Positioning et al is not going to change the fact that there's not enough juice to run the panels, and the other gear tends to brightness anyway.Just wasting time. 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
I'm partial to Cary tube pre-amps, but I think the Prima Luna's are among the best deals in all of audio. Great, warm sound, at a reasonable price. Also, older ARC and Mac gear that is less expensive sounds stellar as well. I like maggie with a tu... 
VPI Classic hum
the hum comes from the motor, and an unsheilded cartridge. No armtube, cables, or anything else is going to make a difference. With the motor in the plinth, you need a different type cartridge, well shielded. Not a fault, just a design quirk, that... 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
Wow, I don't agree with any of these suggestions, and that's odd on A'gon. Your amp is bright, and not powerful enough to drive the panels. I suggest you try and find a used innersound ESL or a Wyred 4 sound 500. Also when i have heard the Emotiva...