
Responses from lthkeepr

Lexicon MC-1/EAD TM 8 Signature/Anthem AVM20?
Hey, which Sonus Faber speakers are you using? I would submit to you, for reasonably affordable money, that you would get just stellar results with the likes of a Classe pre/pro, or used Krell HTS! Yes the Krell doesn't have analog direct inputs, ... 
Lexicon MC-12, Anthem AVM-20, B &K Ref 30?
Ok, now that all of that is out of the way, what your decision should really come down to is simple...One, does it sound good?...two, does it have the features you think you want?...three, is it practical and dependable to use for you?...four, are... 
Lexicon MC-1/EAD TM 8 Signature/Anthem AVM20?
If I had to chose between the 3 you are considering, sonically, I'd take the EAD ever time!..for movies or music!Others to consider, from my vast experience around all this stuff, would be Classe, Proceed, Krell, Aragon, etc! The unit's you just m... 
Lexicon MC-12, Anthem AVM-20, B &K Ref 30?
Sorry to inform you on the wrong information you just got about the sound quaiity of the Lexicon MC12, over the likes of the Classe (any of em, including SSP25/30/50/75, etc), Krell(HTS or Ref standard), or Proceed (AVP)....THIS IS TOTOALLY BACKWA... 
Anyone heard the Art of Sound Subwoofers
There are a great deal many subwoofers out there that are very good foundations for fast, musical, tight, dynamic, and extended bass. If you've heard this sub set up weil somewhere, and like what you heard, your probably not going to find much bet... 
6550 tube question
You need to be calling Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio in Placentia California(I think). He's the Tube King, and knows all...and no, I'm not him. Good luck 
Passive, Balanced, Remote Pre?
The Pass Labs Aleph P with remote and balanced inputs is roughly $1700-$1900 average used range. Is this too high for you? It's basically a passive unit, unless you crank it past 3oclock, I believe, and is a definite class A rated passive. Anyway ... 
Acoustic problems need advice
Really you need to hire someone who know's what they're doing if you want it to end up sounding right in that room! It simply takes too many years, and thousands of hours of experience, to get truely world class sonics from a set-up. Most people e... 
Upgrading HomeTheater
Very very good chioces to consider, in my vast hands on experiences, would be a minimum of the likes of Acurus Act3 and Acurus multi channel amp combo(superb superb...and cheap!!!). Also, Classe SSP25/30 and matching Classe Amp(s)! This is even be... 
H/T vrs Music speakers-Why the difference?
It's very simple really. The reason you'll find so many dedicated HT speakers configured in the Diappolito(or similar) configuration with traditional dynamic drivers, is that this design tends to do the job better for perproducing movie soundtrack... 
Best Inexpensive Tuner?
Hands down, no competition in my experience, you can't beat the little Creek T43(retailed for $700) tuner, which can be had or $400 range used! I would put this tuner (with good antennae) up against anything for this price range..anything! It's ve... 
Want speakers for 700 but none sound good.
I used to have the same sized room your in (10.5 X 12.5 X 8), and can tell you that you'll probably get no better sound for around $800-$1000 used from a set of Thiel 1.5's!!! You'll need to rig some stands, or buy later, for height adjustment how... 
center and surrounds to match thiel cs3.6's
You know, I normaly never make cardinal sin recommendations of other brand/type speakers for mix-matching speakers in a system. It is never really a believable soundstage, and the oerall sonic integrity of of the system end up being shot! Your ear...