
Responses from lthkeepr

With Wadia, pre-amp or no pre-amp
I've sold the Wadia stuff for a few years now, and demo it on some high end gear. My experiences overall dictate that, in most systems, you're going to find the down side being that you'll lack dynamics and soundstage, yes, to a degree. If, like m... 
Digital world - why have a preamp?
Yeah, impendance matching and or sufficient gain can sometimes be a problem with the "passive preamp" approach, or no preamp at all. Id you do have a CD player with a volume control, it often at the very least sounds a bit lean dynaically, and som... 
Lexicon MC-12, Anthem AVM-20, B &K Ref 30?
This cracks me up! The B&K ref 30, and almost the Adcom GFP750 preamp, is sonically no better than ANY RECEIVERS PREAMP SECTION!!! It's pretty well bland, warm, digtal sounding, and just plain "regular" sounding! Infact, sonically, it reminds ... 
used Revel Salon vs. used Wilson Watt Puppy6???
I've experience with both fairly extensivel. Really, for all practical extents and purposes, they sound pretty darn simiar over all! you could build a great sound arround either However, one consideration would be what amps your using, or consider... 
Which Processor: Sunfire or Bryston?
Absolutely!!..can I say again?...ABSOLUTELY! You should try the Classe SSP25(used) or SSP30 pre-pro!!! I garantee you...absolutely garantee you, that you will not find a better pre/pro in either DD/DTS, or dirrect 2 channel throughput(for analog i... 
Amps get all the thunder, what about preamps?
Well I've tried quite a few over the years. If you can find a good used CAT preamp in your price budget, I seriously doubt you'll be dissapointed...especially if you consder ther tube alternatives. These tube pre's seem to work well with either so... 
Active crossovers
Yes, having an amp with adjustable volume control gains, like the Parasounds (God bless em for doing so!!!), makes live way easier when you biamp!Hey, also let me know which active crossover you are ending up with ultimately!!! I would like to kno... 
ss amps with variable input sensitivity
DEFINITELY THE PARASOUND OFFERINGS!!!! Most of the Parasound models offer adjustable input volume pots, and are simply superb bass amps! Infact, the Parasounds, if anything, are really well known for their solid bass reproduction! The are very goo... 
B&K vs. Aragon
For the record, Sdcampbell hit the nail precicely on the head if you ask me! I've experience with both lines, and owned the Aragon gear, and sold the Lexicon/Bryston stuff!What this gentleman said is about as accurate of an assessment as you're go... 
Need Preamp Advice Please
Not a problem. All really need to do is get a 2 channel preamp, and hook things up like a 2 channel system normally would be. Then you can simply "loop" your receivers "main left/right" outputs into an "auzilary" or "tape loop" input on your 2 cha... 
Corner placement of stereo system
Ok in responses to your questions/statements "Drrdiamond", if you have a 15 X 25 room, and you are using a corner placment, it's acoustically impossible for both your speakers to be in the same SYMETRICAL acoustical space in that room!!!...can't h... 
Well certainly you'll have an easier time setting up two speakers than 6+ speakers in that room! Although maggies can be challenging to get sounding good in a room, due largely to the bi-pole nature of the speaker, and phase cancellation and comb-... 
Audioquest Amazon?
Yeah I owned the Amazon(5 pairs infact). It's a little dark compared to say, similar Acoustic Zen silver ref(which I like better for sure). The Acoustic Zen Matrix ref(silver/copper) is your next try! it's as good as any copper/silver made I belie... 
Corner placement of stereo system
If you are in doubt about the scenario, you can, of course, always move things around and try! however, if you want to see how differnt things really are between each speaker in that set-up, place the speakers where you want, and just measure the ... 
You didn't quite mention what gear you were considering using in your room..this has a lot to do with what's workable/not workable in a given room..especially smaller rooms like the one your considering at 12.5X18! ] My vast experience with dealin...