
Responses from lthkeepr

The WOW factor in Acoustic Zen interconnects...
The difference between the two is that the Matrix resolves more detail and has more extension up top. Bass balance slides slightly infavor of the Matrix as well(although it's negligable, considering proples problems with speaker set-up anyway, and... 
Surround Sound Processors SSP : I give up
yeah as a two channel guy you really don't need some extavagant bells and whistles pre/pro, with EQ's and sound modes and such. I'm a two channel guy myself, but am also WAY INTO CUSTOM HOME THEATER! My suggestion is to get a pre/pro that is clean... 
Paradigm or Energy
I personally don't like the combo of the warm full bodied sound of the Denon with the warm full bodied sound of the monitor 3's!!...That's two warm full bodied sounding compoents = TOO WARM AND FULL BODY SOUNDING! If you had something like a cool... 
Sony 555 vs. 333 as transport?
I belive there about the same transport. I would wager that soundquality from each as a transport is probably pretty indistiguishable...but then you could buy em both and return the one that you didn't like! heck, I think "Good Guy's" electronics ... 
Red dawn vs SPM
what sugarbrie said is about right,yes... 
Power Amp Neeed -- PLEASE HELP prevent mistake.
You never mentioned(at least I don't think) speaker chioce! Without that info, picking an amp is not practical!..or are you considering getting the amp and then the speakers(which IS BACKWARDS REALLLY!). tHE SPEAKERS ARE 50+% OF THE OVERALL SOUND ... 
Corner placement of stereo system
You will have a very difficult time, for one, getting even response between the two speakers, from any given seating possition most likely. With the long wall placement(probably ideal in your senario..although you can make short wall placement wor... 
I need serious help with speakers
You mentioned "theater", so I assume straight movies is your priority, correct? If this is the case, and you're only using a receiver to drive speakers (although that receiver has nice sonics, albeit not tremendous power), then you would do very w... 
Need tips on best way to hook up AV system
if you have a rack which allows you to tie up cables and issolate, that will probably be fine. If you don't, and your cables are all loose and hangin, and you find you have buzes and hums or distortions, etc, then you can move cables around to iss... 
Anyone Heard the new Outlaw 950 pre/pro?
I have heard the Outlaw unit. Sonically, it's decent, but not super special. It's got some nice features, as does the Lex. however, I would always choose raw sonic attributes and refinements over flexibility of features and sound modes and such. N... 
Aren't passive radiators out of phase?
I don't understand the nature of the question, other than your possible concern of buying a speaker which you find inferior, due to a passive radiator inegration. I personally owned Thiel 2.3's, that used Passive radiator, and the things were fant... 
Classe compared to the Theta Dreadnaught
What speakers and associated gear are you using? I personally like both the amps, and think they do exellent jobs respectively. Depending on your gear, and especially for the money, the Classe is excellent stuff. I have extensive experience with b... 
Is the sound quality of bryston 7 much less than..
Personally, my experience with the Brystons is that ALL of the amp lines you mentioned, for the most part, make better overall amps, sonically, than the Bryston. I don't think those Brystons are that refined really. The Pass Aleph and X series are... 
George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch Theatre
If I'm not mistaken, according to a recent article in one of the Stereo mags(I think HT magazine)the speakers they use in that set-up are not only custom horn loaded designs with integrated woofers, but they're also run ACTIVELY!!!Infact I think t... 
Very frustrated with Electraglide - Poor service
I personally have had very poor customer service myself from quite a few "smaller" manufacturers over the years! I hope you get it straightened out. I got similar service from Audible Illusions a few years back, when they had my money for about th...