
Responses from loomisjohnson

NHT Model II Towers
from the web:Model 2 1988 - 1990 1" + 6.5" + 2 x 6.5" 40Hz - 22kHz 8 ohms 87dB 35W - 200W haven't heard 'em myself, but nht is a well-regarded maker; as tooddn syas. hard to go wrong for a hundo. 
Dr. Dre Beats
i heard 'em at the apple store and was very impressed--very dynamic and loud; much better than the comparably priced bose/b&w cans. i think you're getting good advise about avoiding the cl/ebay route, since counterfeiting is rampant. 
Pioneer House Sound from the 70s
i've also started dabbling in the late 70s pioneer stuff recently, and, to mapman's question, i confess that much of the appeal is aesthetic--the silver faced stuff looks cool and was built like a tank (esp. in contrast to the plastic-y gear that ... 
AMC 2100 amps - what's your great bang for the $?
i used a couple of the amc 2100s to run my power crazed revels--i believe the amps bridge to 250w in mono. for the giveaway price, they were very serviceable--at least as good as the rotel 980 i owned at the same time, though not as robust as para... 
Filling out the sound
my impressions of rega speakers (which i regard highly) is that they're extremely silky and revealing at the high end and tend to leanness at the lower end--curiously, rega doesn't publish frequency specs, so it's not easy to tell how deep they're... 
what to do with my cat on my speaker grills
i've seen these electronic "invisible pet shields" which transmit some sort of signal when your pet approaches the forbidden zone. marginally more humane than some of the other proposed solutions. i'd check whether they'd interfere with any of you... 
What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films
bjim, intersting post. on your sayso, i'll definitely check out the spike lee--i've had mixed feelings about his films in the past--some of them were too stylized and or polemical for me, while i though his more straightforward stuff like "inside ... 
Audiophile Addiction
that's the beauty of the internet, audiofile. i can exercise my right to be stupid and you exercise your right to call people names and vent and express your unhappiness. enjoy your freedom! 
this month's guilty pleasure
good band--somewhat erratic on record. check out the movie "dig", a fantastic documentary about the very strange rivalry between the dandy warhols and the very talented, self-destructive brian jonestown massacre. 
Audiophile Addiction
amen, polk 432. my speakers and amps never try to borrow money, get pregnant or want to share their feelings. 
Audiophile Addiction
why would anyone choose to spend more time with his family than with a high-end system? 
Which hdtv would you recommend and why?
the ascendance of lcd is mainly a function of the lower manufacturing costs of lcd panels, not the superiority of lcd over plasma technology--in other words, manufacturers will push the more profitable product. lcd's energy efficiency is another f... 
Which hdtv would you recommend and why?
it's purely subjective of course, but i still think plasma is the superior technolgy for all but very bright rooms; plasma clearly has a significant edge in off-axis viewing and motion blur, and i've never personally observed a problem with heat w... 
Great Blu-ray or DVD player for CD Transport
having cycled through a number of the denons (2800, 2910, 3910) before settling on a pio 59av, i gotta vote with the pioneer folk. the denons sound great under optimal conditions, but they're too damned quirky and unreliable--lasers fail, drawers ... 
Music vs. Components
some wag at stereophile recently wrote a piece about how different people prioritize intrinsic quality of the music, recording quality and quality of the equipment, utilizing a scale aggregating 100 (thus, for example, you might weigh the music as...