
Responses from loomisjohnson

Which Amp/Pre-Amp combo with the Focal 826ws?
clint:i just heard the focal 826Ws auditioned with a denon pma a100 integrated ($2500/80w/ch). i was wholly (and unexpectedly) impressed. altho only rated down to 45hz, the focals sounded plenty deep and tight; high end was extremely trasparent an... 
Upgrades to kef 104/2 - recommendations
i replaced my 104.2s, which i never fell in love with, with the kef reference model 1, which i believe were the first line to use the uniq technology. with due respect to the many rabid fans of the 104.2s, i believe the model 1s are superior--huge... 
The best of Goodwill...
as an inveterate thrift store junkie, i abide by the adage that anything can be anywhere at any time--it's all a matter of persistence. what i have noticed recently is that cdps (like vcrs) seem to be frequently donated--i've recently picked up a ... 
Advantages of bi-wire?
completely agree with tvad--having experimented with biwiring with alot of different speakers, i've heard great improvement in some cases and no improvement or no discernible difference in others. i do suspect, however unscientifically, that manuf... 
Outlaw RR2150 - Is there a better receiver?
the outlaw is a beautiful-looking piece; if aesthetics are a criteria i'd go for it. it also has a usb in, so you can use it with computer source. i also like the much less expensive hk490 (very easy to find used), which has lots of power and digi... 
What do you currently own as loudspeakers?
right on, newbee. it seems completely moronic for a dealer to go out of his way to alienate his core market, but then again, i'm not a dealer 
What's the objection to Floor Standing Speakers?
there's definitely a mars/venus thing when it comes to large-form audio gear. i've found that a genuine gauge of your woman's love is her reaction when she first sees the gigantic pair of magenpans in the living room. 
Help a new guy get started
your question comes up alot--i've recommended starting with something like a peachtree decco/nova or music hall mambo, which are integrateds with inboard dacs and will give you a lot of flexibility going forward. 
What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films
check out the "girl with the dragon tattoo" trilogy--swedish thrillers w/ a sorta dark, punk-rock "chinatown" sensibility. a nice surprise for people like myself who thought all swedish films were made by ingmar bergman 
time for a change....any suggestions?
you've got a very big room, so you'll want something that throws a giant soundstage. i'd probably avoid the planars, electrostats, etc. i just auditioned the wilson watt puppy, which really are great-- someone's listing a pair here for less than $... 
KEF 102 center speaker
there's definitely a sonic difference between the 104.2s and the later uniq stuff. based on the conventional wisdom that you want your center to match your fronts as closely as possible, i'd opt for the 102. 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
i don't believe anyone's mentioned my fave, andy fraser (free). not the most technically proficient player, but among the most unique--he plays bass like a lead guitarist; more melodic than rhythmic, kinda trebly, fast without being flashy. check ... 
AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?
now we're having fun.... 
AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?
i agree with much of the foregoing--as hifihvn's data evidences, most mass-market avrs have wussy amp sections with woefully overhyped power ratings which won't effectively drive audiophile-grade speakers. (in fairness, i do think hk and nad are c... 
JM Labs-Focal: Chorus 726S or 806V or Electra 906?
for the same money, i'd also go with the electras---fantastic high end, extremely well built, easy to place and unfussy about front end. can't compare 'emto the daline, which i haven't heard. the issue for me with the chorus line is driver integra...