
Responses from loomisjohnson

The Emotiva XDA-1
agree with buconero that it looks like alot of product for small $$$; though i think peachtree decco/nova, which includes a power amp, still have the edge--they're more all-inclusive portable devices which everyone (except hard-core old guys like ... 
CDPs That Have Volume Control +Variable Output
mikey, you might get more improvement by adding an external dac and using the adcom (which is a solid unit) as a transport than by trading for another $500 unit--something like the mf v-dac or cambridge dacmagic. 
Rotel RA 972 or RA 985BX
i've heard the ra972; haven't heard the 985bx, but i did own the rb980 and rc980 separates, which i believe are the same series. in general i don't think the rotel will be a quantuum leap over your nad; i think you'll find the nad more "alive and ... 
if i glean correctly, your central question is whether hdcd/sacd are superior than redbook cd. hdcd does contain a little more musical information and has more dynamic range; all things being equal an hdcd should sound richer and better than a red... 
One Less Bose Wave Radio in the World
jdoris has it down--the idecco by peachtree has an 40w amp, preamp, ipod dock and dac all in one little box; you could also connect an fm tuner, another digital source, etc. $999 new; sounds real purty and leaves him a grand for a couple of suitab... 
AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?
as a non-techie, i've never fully understood why a well-engineered, no-compromise avr couldn't sound as good as comparably priced separates. now, i know in the real world manufacturers do make compromises, esp. in the amp sections, and that single... 
What's up with Harmon Kardon receiver line?
the hk990 does look interesting, tho i wonder if people will bite at a $2400 hk-branded integrated, esp. since it doesn't look that far removed, feature-wise, from the $400 hk3490, which is a nice product 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
zaikesman, great list(s)--you got good taste in tuneage 
Under the Radar 70s UK punk.....
the vibrators "pure mania" might be the great lost punk album of the 70s; also check out the adverts "crossing the red sea" and stiff little fingers, who were very clash-like. i haven't heard the slits in probably 30 years--my recollection was the... 
Audio Gear Opinions
your dunlavys (great speakers, btw) are very efficient (i believe 92db)and shouldn't need a ton of power--the arcam should drive 'em just fine. congrats on what appears to be an awesome ht setup. 
Need Help Starting from Scratch
stephen, please let us know your reactions when you have your gear set up 
Need Help Starting from Scratch
there are, of course, lots of ways to go, all of which have their virtues. however, if i were starting from scratch within your budget, i'd look to acquire a few high quality "keeper" pieces,as opposed to merely serviceable starter-level stuff; yo... 
Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..
i don't think of the charlatans/ stone roses/ happy mondays as "vocal pop" groups. they fit more clearly into the "madchester" dancey/psychedlic groove thing--they're more about rhythm and sound than they are about concise pop songs and tight voca... 
Universal Player question
as you undoubtedly know, sacds also have a redbook cd layer, such that a standard cdp can play (the redbook layer of) the sacd. it sounds like your player is only reading the redbook layer on certain sacds. query whether when it identifies the sac... 
NAD T 175 Pre-Amp VS $2K range AV Receiver?
there are inevitable compromises on the amp sections of mass market avrs, and separates will typically sound better. you've got two nad amps; i'd get a third and, as you suggest, use 'em with a seprate pre/pro to power your f/r/c. personally, i've...