
Responses from loomisjohnson

Review: Kef Reference Model One Speaker
farkashshai, i'm not especially familiar with the 103.2s, altho i did own the 104.2s of the same vintage and thought the reference ones are a better speaker--livelier and much more transparent. i do note that the 103.2s are a bookshelf speaker, so... 
New Bowie album
there's a great scene in the classic "trainspotting" where renton and sickboy debate the merits of bowie's and lou reed's later work, which, they conclude, sounds pretty good, but as measured by their classic early stuff is ultimately shite. so it... 
Help with Acoustat Model 1 + 1
i appreciate the responses. first, an errata--i actually own the model ones (single panel w/passive sub), not the 1 + 1. in any event, i finally settled on a hafler 9500 amp. as i understand it, hafler based on the tnt200 design after he acquired ... 
Help me replace my Rotel 1072
ablang:1. granted that digital technology is rapidly advancing, but the extent to which "advanced" equates to better-sounding is open to debate.2. since the "bests" you list are all well beyond your stated budget, maybe you should consider keeping... 
Help me replace my Rotel 1072
if you're hellbent on change (a sentiment i certainly understand) and seeking warmth, you might try a tube cdp--around your budget vincent or jolida come to mind 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
stuck in a blizzard the other night, i heard "hey jealousy" by the gin blossoms, whom i'd always regarded as a middlin pop band. for whatever reason i was struck by what a great sad song it is. the backstory here is that the guy who wrote it was a... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
After reading your excellent review, I was curious enough to check out Class D Audio. Their website is amazingly bad--subliterate and almost bereft of specs, info, etc.--it's almost unfathomable that they're an American company. It may very well b... 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
agree 100% with kbuzz--there's definitely an engaging "analogue" quality to the ps1. philistine that i am, i could not get past its quirks (stupid looks, long load time, annoying controller), but for shear listenability, it really does outdo many ... 
Difference between Energy 22, and Reference 22?
there were a number of different 22 speakers--according to energy's website, the original pro 22s date from 1982 and evolved into the connoiseur 22 and then the (late 80's) 22 reference connossieur. there was also a 22.1, 22.2, etc. to my knowledg... 
Best bourbon?
i read with some interest about the furor that erupted after makers mark announced they were planning to dilute their bourbon in order to meet demand. brilliant strategy which suggests their management has been oversampling their product. i now no... 
Buying Fewer CD's & LP's Because of Pandora?
per rhanson, rockadanny, et. al., pandora did lure me into buying a disc for an artist i wanted to hear more of. since discovering mog, however, i have the ability to play full albums at near-cd quality, and i've gone from being a profligate cd bu... 
delusional, yes, but ya gotta give the guy some style points........ 
Should I Use an AVR for 2-Channel Home Theater
drubin, you've cited some valid reasons for using an avr; some others might include ability to biamp or availability of features like an fm tuner, xm or internet connectivity. the main selling point is value--because of rapid technological enhance... 
DAC question
the issue is whether the external dac is better than the internal dac in your cdp. your cdp utilizes a 192kHz/24-bit Wolfson 8741s dac, which is the same as arcam utilizes in its $2500 totl cdp. you wouldn't expect that you'd hear alot of improvem... 
Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo
very well said. frogman. we need a moratorium on these rude and singularly unhelpful respoonses. courtesy only takes a second.