
Responses from loomisjohnson

Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz
are you doing a two-channel system or a multichannel system? 
Building a Magnepan System, Please Help...
jrodefield, this may not be helpful, but if i were you instead of the 1.7s i'd drop $2500 on some used 3.6s, which are on a wholly different level. you can get an emotiva xda2 dac/preamp for 300 (like elevick suggests) and maybe get lucky on a use... 
Critique my system...
since you asked---i'd probably experiment with a different cdp (or add a dac); not that price is any precise indicator of sound quality, but it looks like your amp/pre are in a different weight class than the cdp. a tube cdp like jolida, vincent, ... 
Badfinger, perfect end for Breaking Bad
baby blue is arguably the greatest power pop song of all time; aimee mann's version is, to my ears, even better than the original. i just read that according to billboard, after the breaking bad finale, streams of the song increased by 9000% and t... 
Anyone here have a memory ?
40 years later, porgy and mudhead are still indelibly etched in my cranium 
Best beer
i just got into the craft beer thing (i needed some new bad habits) and here's my take:1. once you get into the microbrews, it's unfathomable you'd ever drink another miller or corona. even the premium mass market stuff like heineken and stella ta... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Chicago II--like most fair-minded music lovers, I've generally regarded their seemingly endless output as the clearest example of cultural decay. I've concluded, however, that this album is something of a masterpiece--in contrast to the AOR drivel... 
Best sounding Hybrid Integrated in $2000 range
Affordable DAC for iPhone 5?
look at the fiio e17 ($130 on amazon) which is a portable headphone amp/dac. quite an improvement over the stock phone and has the advantage of mobility. 
Vintage 80s speakers...retro system...your pick?
+1 schubert. phase tech vg. 
B&K surround model AVR-507
i'll try to decipher your questions:1. the DB level setting is useful for equalizing the volume of all your sources (e.g. so your cdp doesn't sound louder than your cable at the same volume level)--i'd just set it at whatever levels sound good to ... 
Preamp 101
i'd look at something like the parasound p7, which would be a good match for your amp. 
Preamp 101
1. if the preamp you're looking at doesn't have an inboard phono preamp, then you would need a separate phono preamp. you're probably best served getting a preamp with a phono input--if you specify a budget you'll get many recommendations.2. you d... 
Jm lab chorus 715 vs 725 and psb silver stratus???
you won't get a ton of low end out of the focals--they're rated only in the high 40s. the psbs will go lower; however, since you like your bookshelves, i would keep them and augment them with a sub--you can something like a hsu or a paradigm can b... 
Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?
i think an underlying principle of all snobbery is that if something (whether it's audio, wine or movies) is very popular, it can't be very good. i also suspect that many have an innate bias against gear which emphasizes aesthetics and form--perha...