
Responses from loomisjohnson

Bands where U say
most of the dead-at-27 gang were just scratching the surface--hendrix (in particular), duane allman, cobain, janis, pete ham (sad story, major talent), chris bell, amy winehouse? (maybe). 
B&K amplifier Fans
Need your advise: I just picked up a ST202, which I rather admire. It worked perfectly, then, after swapping out speaker cables, it quickly ceased producing sound out of one and then both channels. (I don't think I clipped anything, tho it's possi... 
Best Headphones $150?
bj:these are the koss (sans mic) i recommended-- $35.50 shipped:http://www.amazon.com/Koss-PortaPro-Headphones-with-Case/dp/B00001P4ZH/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1373401337&sr=1-1&keywords=koss+portaprokoss warrants them ... 
Best Headphones $150?
blindjim, if you really need open back type phones, the koss porta pro are amazing for $35--crystal clear, comfortable 
Creedence Clearwater Revival - John Foggarty
love classic credence, but agree with mofi & ozzy--the tribute disc bit the big one.as for where to begin, i'd actually start with their debut and work your way up to their fifth and finest record, cosmo's factory. (everything thereafter is di... 
Why does most new music suck?
i just watched the dave grohl documentary, "sound city", about the history of the legendary analog studio. the film's only fair, but there's an interesting bit where trent reznor (a very bright guy) opines that while recording technology has advan... 
do i still need a pre-amp
keep your rotel preamp; connect your cable box and bluray by hdmi directly to your tv (for video) and also connect red/white rca from cable box and bluray to your preamp for audio. 
Harbeth Compact 7s vs. Pioneer's $129 speakers
my interest was piqued enuff to give 'em another listen at "magnolia" (a/k/a the dank, uninhabited corner of best buy). fairly stated, they're very nice for the price--balanced, good low end heft, nice imaging. significantly more enjoyable than th... 
Overall opinions on Harman Kardon
i'm a longtime HK fan--their amps have almost always sounded better to me than their peers, perhaps because of their high current designs and minimal reliance on negative feedback. their 70s stuff (730/930 receivers, citation amps) is classic, and... 
Sleeper Debut Lps...70s classic rock
cheap trick's self-titled debut comes to mind--still among the greatest hard rock records ever. 
Old Flagship Vs New Mid-Level Receiver
if your focus is on tv/movies, i guess i'd opt for a current mainstream avr for the reasons above stated (arc, hdmi, modern codecs, etc). for unembellished music listening, however, the b&k is on another level--i always regretted selling mine 
How is this setup for Mog
keep in mind that mog (while a terrific service)streams at 256-320k, which is not quite CD quality; even if you were to markedly upgrade your gear you're going to be limited by the quality of your source material. that said, your setup seems fine;... 
Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass?
rega rs1 sounds like they're just what you're looking for. 
Phil Jones' AAD 2003; any information?
phil jones designed the original acoustic energy ae1 and boston lynnfield before moving to soliloquy, platinum audio and aad--i think he's now doing a line called phil jones sound. (he does move around a bit). he's a jazz bassist of some note, whi... 
The new Bob Dylan
damn good for a first timer--"lightning bolt" is a classic. i dug the jivey skiffley/buddy holly stuff a lot more than the folky acoustic stuff, which registers as kinda precious and more donovan than dylan. his voice is obviously an acquired tast...