

Responses from lfssbn1

Quad S-2
Stereophile praised them, and if one wants to spend time browsing around European, including the UK audio reviews, admiration is abundant. 
What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?
20K is not essential or a guarantee of enjoyment. 
Thiel Customer Service - New ownership is terrible!!! - WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS COMPANY ?
Simple and inevitable- a great innovator, designer, engineer and lover of music died. What is left is but a name and a legend.  I warm up my teak Thiels via tubes and toast a once vibrant company. 
Amplification question - PrimaLuna Tubes vs. McIntosh Solid State
Prima Luna for dedicated, stressless, satisfying 2ch stereo. My Thiel 1.5 speaks sing. 
Thiel Owners
Thiel 1.5, Prima Luna tubes, OppoSE, Nordost & Anti Cables- paradise. Hope to have 3.6 (or 2.4) some day, while waiting for a donation of Quads. 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
Considering introducing my Prima Luna family to Harbeth.  My older 1.5 Thiels loved the match. 
Energy Veritas 2.2
Thanks for your post.  I sent a message to the Klipsch/Energy group two days ago. We shall see.