

Responses from lfssbn1

Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
One has to take the time ( as little as absolutely necessary) to pause and reflect on the reality that written or spoken opinions are largely driven by the insatiable need to be acknowledged. 
JOLIDA owners
Hello,I have a Jolida 1501 a amp. Cannot locate an owner's manual. If someone has access to one, can scan and send please let me know.Thanks,Larry Ford 
An old phrase which, I believe, may be timely...
Main Audiogon site barely works?
Annoying comes to mind. 
ls FM radio even listenable any more?
If you were around in the lat 60s, living near DC, there was a station that still today dwells in the hearts and minds of listeners.WHFS-DC area.... 
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1
Have used Prima Luna separates.  Everything said about them is spot on... 
Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.
Essentially, when opinions, statements, or beliefs are stated that seem in conflict with a limited, linear world view, anxiety, trepidation, and at times, aggressive hostility results.    
Review: Cambridge Audio 640a Integrated Amplifier
Bought mine used, but only slightly.  Hooked up Linn (vintage) cd player, finally decided my 72 year-old ears liked the Linn's digital (coax) tap, connected the Quads, and engaged the 640A- direct mode, no tone adjustments.  Stayed on the couch fo... 
Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary
Mine are in the living/listening room. I’ve had them about 2 months. Power is a Music Hall ss amp (125rms/channel) with an Oppo 83SE & Nordost interconnects. Sound is great. However, I think my ears beckon a return to my Thiel years. With that... 
Wharfedale Linton 85TH Anniversary Speakers
Have a pair of the Wharfedale Linton Heritage speakers with stands.  Do require some "breaking in."  Some reviewers believe it's the large base driver requiring such.  After 60+hours, they are becoming increasingly enjoyable.  Oppo 83SE player, No... 
CD Player vs. music streaming
Some knowledge can go a long way.  This article is one of many that discusses some of the science that is shrouded by the hype, commercialism and misinformation available on the internet...caveat emptor. 
CD Player vs. music streaming
Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!
Stereophile will expand your inquiries regarding DACs.  I occasionally use for background music, or to find something new in Jazz so I then can purchase a quality cd. Traveling, I run my iphone through the car audio- typically listening to music f... 
Don't know about UK service, even though I am a dual national.  Have PL pre & power amp.  After 3 years one rectifier tube in the pre lost it, I replaced both with Mullards.  3 years of enjoyable listening- rating 9/10 
Thiel 1.5 vs. 1.6, any experience?
Read all of the continuing stellar reviews, then audition. They are absolutely remarkable. Driving (at this time) with Prima Luna Pre & Power amp, Oppo 84 SE, & Peachtree Dac for playback with Macbook, Nordost interconnects and Blue Jeans ...