
Responses from lewm

Ultimate Idler Drive
Can Stealth wire be bought as naked product, or is one forced to buy them as made-up ICs? Guess I should do my own research on that. 
Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1
Dear Thom, I've been thinking that your scheme #1 for hookup is the way you'd do it if a cartridge really had a hot and ground side, i.e., the way to do it if you were to hookup a single-ended CD player to a balanced input preamp. Scheme #2 is the... 
Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1
Raul is correct. I would just add that the wire going to the "ground" side of the RCA plug is the one that should be soldered to pin3. Pin 2 gets the "hot" wire. You can do it yourself, but since Tri is colleagial with Atma-sphere, I am sure he wo... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Robyatt, What is "Stealth" wire? Is it silver or copper, braided or solid core? Thanks. 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Although it's OK to replace a 12AX7 with a 5751, the 5751 is electrically slightly different, mostly in that it has a lower mu and slightly lower plate resistance than a 12AX7. And I am not sure the 5751 is inherently a lower noise tube compared t... 
Our home system: How good it is?
Elinor, Amen to what you wrote above. Home theater and the internet have killed the retail two-channel audio industry and the camaraderie that went with it and are threatening this hobby. I have a couple of 30-year friendships with guys whom I fir... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Robyatt, Thanks. 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Your enthusiasm for the Ortofon caused me to try to learn more by Googling it. All I can find is text that refers to their 2M model, which apparently had design input from a person named Per Windfield. I found no reference to an Ortofon cartridge ... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
"The ESS AMT4s have those fabulous Heil Air Motion Transformers midrange/high-frequency elements (said to be the best overall driver ever developed)..."Who said that? I remember those drivers quite well. Heard them with a wide variety of ss and tu... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Dear Robyatt, I would be very interested to learn the results of your testing. I am on the same or a very similar path. I quite agree with you re the special qualities of the very weird RS-A1 tonearm. However, no matter what I find in my own expts... 
Belt stretch
Rccc, Assuming you own high quality examples of belt-drive and direct-drive turntables, have you done the experiment of listening to each one with the same tonearm and cartridge? If so, do you hear any differences that could therefore be ascribed ... 
Ultimate Idler Drive
Unfortunate metaphor, JW. Having once owned a beautifully restored Porsche 550RS Spyder, I would choose it over Schumacher's race car any time, but I guess I know what you mean, and I do agree with your basic sentiment.Robyatt, I would be interest... 
table turning backwards
Shadorne, That takes the prize for the funniest post I've seen in a long time, and in the process you managed to give good advice: check the capacitor. Also, "reverse the plug" assumes you have a two-prong plug. If so, pull it out of the wall sock... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
I did indeed have an ADC XLM at about the time I owned the Transcriptors/Vestigial, but I don't remember that there was any special association between the two. The XLM was just thought to be a great cartridge in those days. I once bought about te... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
The Vestigial tonearm has to be the weirdest device I ever owned. It should not have worked well, and I really have no recollection of how it sounded. But I think it inspired the Dynavector 505/507, which certainly is a top level tonearm. The Vest...