
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Raul, Have you (or has anyone) tried the "Expert" stylus repair service in the UK? (The name consists of two words; the first word is "expert".) That business is said to be the supplier to SoundSmith for their ruby cantilevers, but they have a pro... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Whoops! I take it all back. The name EMPIRE is indeed engraved on the facing. It is stylus 236ZDE from Garage-a-Records. I did not see it when I first received the product and thought it was ok not to see it, until this latest discussion. Please f... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, I bought from the vendor recommended by you and others here (in fact the URL for the source was posted here), and the stylus was not cheap, and the vendor himself swore the product was NOS. So if you are correct, he will be hearing from... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Is the Talea still a state secret? Its existence has been publicly disclosed. We know who you lucky owners are, so 'fess up.Doug, I would be interested to know which of the more popular cartridges put a lot of energy into the tonearm and which one... 
Azimuth and the Fozgometer
This is just a stab at the question: To set azimuth with my Signet, you first have to set the meter to 0 db for the channel that directly receives the signal from the test LP, so you can then measure the crosstalk in the opposite channel. When you... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Now you guys are making me nervous. The supposed NOS Empire "X" stylus assembly that I bought for my NOS Empire 1000ZE cartridge, per the advice of a few on this forum, does not have any "EMPIRE" inscription. In fact the facing where the label wou... 
Azimuth and the Fozgometer
Dear Mike, Did you set your azimuth using the Feickert stuff? I ask, because I have seen that done, and phase-matching is used as a criterion for the optimal setting. However, at the risk of sounding like a curmudgeon, I would point out that music... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Correction. The stylus I got from Turntableneedles is an NOS LPM312 IIISTR (dark red plastic), not a 320, as erroneously stated above, in case anyone else wants one. I think they still have them in stock. 
What vintage Technics tables are best?
If you limit yourself to the "Technics" brand, then the SP10 MK3 is the obvious winner. It's the most expensive, rarest, and best of the Technics direct-drive turntables. However, IMO, you don't have to spend nearly that much to get very close to ... 
EMT turntables as good as other great vintage TT?
Jake, All of your presuppositions are correct in the mind of someone out here. I will only say that if you decide to make a plinth, it is not such a black art. Baltic birch, panzerholz, and mdf are wood or wood-derived materials that others have u... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Nandric, You are the best. I rely on my son for Japanese translations and communication. Anyway, I agree with your central point: the Bluzbroz styli do not appear to be NOS, even though they claim that they are. Using Timeltel's cited Acutex broch... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nandric, The guy from Bluz Broz called me back and confirmed that they are selling M versions of the 312 and 315 STR styli. On their site, they state that they have the 315E (elliptical) version. However, he tells me it is actually a Shibata.... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Wow! Raul, I just spoke to a guy at Bluz Broz, and he is going to call me back after he examines the stylus under a microscope to verify that it is a genuine and NOS shibata type. This sounds too much like the story you quoted above. He also said ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Thank you, Raul and Nandric. Raul, I did recall that you had written something about the Acutex cartridges, but I did not recall that you mentioned the two different body types, probably because I had no particular interest in the subject at that ... 
Phonostage for Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold.
What Karelfd said seems to be the best advice possible. But as regards the hum, per se, check your grounding scheme. If your tonearm is grounded to your preamp, remove the ground wire. If the tonearm is NOT grounded to your preamp, then add a grou...